#101617: "ELO rates of unrelated players may decrease when someone exits the game"
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# | Status | Votes | Game | Type | Title | Last update |
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• Var vänlig klipp och klistra in felmeddelandet du ser på skärmen, om något.
As in the game above, if there is a difference in ELO rates between players, the rate of an unrelated player will decrease when someone exits the game.
This is clearly unfair and should be corrected.
Due to this specification, players with higher rates will not want to match with players with lower rates.
It reduces the chances of players playing each other.• Varsågod och förklara vad du ville göra, vad du gjorde och vad som hände
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• Var vänlig kopiera/klistra in texten på engelska istället för ditt eget språk. Om du har en skärmdump av denna buggen (vilket är bra), så kan du använda Imgur.com för att ladda upp den och kopiera/klistra in länken här.
As in the game above, if there is a difference in ELO rates between players, the rate of an unrelated player will decrease when someone exits the game.
This is clearly unfair and should be corrected.
Due to this specification, players with higher rates will not want to match with players with lower rates.
It reduces the chances of players playing each other.• Är denna text tillgänglig i översättningssystemet? Om den är det, var det mer än 24 timmar sedan den översattes?
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• Vänligen förklara ditt förslag exakt och koncist så att det är så enkelt som möjligt att förstå vad du menar.
As in the game above, if there is a difference in ELO rates between players, the rate of an unrelated player will decrease when someone exits the game.
This is clearly unfair and should be corrected.
Due to this specification, players with higher rates will not want to match with players with lower rates.
It reduces the chances of players playing each other.• Vad har du för webbläsare?
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• Vad visades på skärmen när du blockerades (Blank skärm? Del av spelets användargränssnitt? Felmeddelande?)?
As in the game above, if there is a difference in ELO rates between players, the rate of an unrelated player will decrease when someone exits the game.
This is clearly unfair and should be corrected.
Due to this specification, players with higher rates will not want to match with players with lower rates.
It reduces the chances of players playing each other.• Vad har du för webbläsare?
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• Vilken del av reglerna respekterades inte av BGA-adaptionen?
As in the game above, if there is a difference in ELO rates between players, the rate of an unrelated player will decrease when someone exits the game.
This is clearly unfair and should be corrected.
Due to this specification, players with higher rates will not want to match with players with lower rates.
It reduces the chances of players playing each other.• Är regelbrottet synligt i återuppspelning? Om ja, vilket nummer är det på draget?
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• Vilken spelhandling ville du göra?
As in the game above, if there is a difference in ELO rates between players, the rate of an unrelated player will decrease when someone exits the game.
This is clearly unfair and should be corrected.
Due to this specification, players with higher rates will not want to match with players with lower rates.
It reduces the chances of players playing each other.• Vad försöker du göra för att sätta igång denna spelmekaniken?
• Vad hände när du försökte göra det här (felmeddelande, meddelande i spelstatusrad, ...)?
• Vad har du för webbläsare?
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• På vilket steg i spelet kom felet (vad var den aktuella instruktionen från spelet)?
As in the game above, if there is a difference in ELO rates between players, the rate of an unrelated player will decrease when someone exits the game.
This is clearly unfair and should be corrected.
Due to this specification, players with higher rates will not want to match with players with lower rates.
It reduces the chances of players playing each other.• Vad hände när du försökte utföra en spelhandling (felmeddelande, meddelande i spelstatusrad, ...)?
• Vad har du för webbläsare?
Google Chrome v117
• Vänligen beskriv visningsproblemet. Om du har en skärmdump av denna buggen (vilket är bra), så kan du använda Imgur.com för att ladda upp den och kopiera/klistra in länken här.
As in the game above, if there is a difference in ELO rates between players, the rate of an unrelated player will decrease when someone exits the game.
This is clearly unfair and should be corrected.
Due to this specification, players with higher rates will not want to match with players with lower rates.
It reduces the chances of players playing each other.• Vad har du för webbläsare?
Google Chrome v117
• Var vänlig kopiera/klistra in texten på engelska istället för ditt eget språk. Om du har en skärmdump av denna buggen (vilket är bra), så kan du använda Imgur.com för att ladda upp den och kopiera/klistra in länken här.
As in the game above, if there is a difference in ELO rates between players, the rate of an unrelated player will decrease when someone exits the game.
This is clearly unfair and should be corrected.
Due to this specification, players with higher rates will not want to match with players with lower rates.
It reduces the chances of players playing each other.• Är denna text tillgänglig i översättningssystemet? Om den är det, var det mer än 24 timmar sedan den översattes?
• Vad har du för webbläsare?
Google Chrome v117
• Vänligen förklara ditt förslag exakt och koncist så att det är så enkelt som möjligt att förstå vad du menar.
As in the game above, if there is a difference in ELO rates between players, the rate of an unrelated player will decrease when someone exits the game.
This is clearly unfair and should be corrected.
Due to this specification, players with higher rates will not want to match with players with lower rates.
It reduces the chances of players playing each other.• Vad har du för webbläsare?
Google Chrome v117
Agricola n°469154699
A player timed out during his/her last move of the game, was kicked and even therefore first place was shared between the rest of the players including myself. Because other players had lower ELO, I ended up losing points when I otherwise would have won the game and gained ELO.
See boardgamearena.com/bug?id=121841
(Link to discussion thread in the suggestion report)
So why not simply skip quiter turns if the game is at 90%+ progression? Or replace it with some dummy AI? Make it to never lost ELO/Arena Ranking on player drop?
The ideal solution would be to just consider it as everyone winning separate 2-player games against the person who left.
Someone suggested that already here: boardgamearena.com/bug?id=109466
In this game:
I can now see a message in the "Details of ELO calculation" that says "You cannot lose ELO when a player quits the game".
If it's fixed for all games, that is a welcome change!
thanks for reporting the issue, we noticed there was indeed a bug where if the game was quit at 100% progression (which is unexpected but still possible, although it depends on each specific game implementation, according to how it has been developed), players could lose ELO when the rating update calculation was resulting in a negative delta (for ex when a strong player was tie with a weak player, as a result of game neuteralization). this delta would normally be set min to 0, but on 100% it wasn't happening.
the issue has now been fixed as of 28th aug 2024 (see changelog boardgamearena.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=188266#p188266).
sorry for the troubles and thank you for your patience!
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- Om du har en skärmdump av denna buggen (vilket är bra), så kan du använda Imgur.com för att ladda upp den och kopiera/klistra in länken här.