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#143229: "Tending Strawberry does not give allowance for a second Strawberry plant"
notabug: Detta är ingen bugg
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• Vilken del av reglerna respekterades inte av BGA-adaptionen?
You are allowed to plant two strawberries when you Tend at a cost of 1 water. When selecting Tend and selecting Strawberry it gives you the ability to plant just one Strawberry. The only choice available after planting the first strawberry is to Confirm which ends the Tending of that fruit. No warning tells you (as I read it was supposed to) that you have unplanted strawberries for the action. And again the interface did not give buttons or a selectable area on the field grid to plant the second strawberry so it was literally impossible. In the turn I am referencing for this game I planted a second strawberry thinking it may be "free" as in it would not require another water since you are supposed to plant 2 but when I clicked "Finish Tending I was charged an extra water for the second strawberry.
This happened twice for me in the game referenced and it appears once for one of the other players but I only grabbed the move number for my most recent instance.• Är regelbrottet synligt i återuppspelning? Om ja, vilket nummer är det på draget?
Yes (described above). Move #124• Vad har du för webbläsare?
Google Chrome v130
25 okt 2024 14:09 •
Mogri • Detta är ingen bugg:
11 dec 2024 18:15 • At move 124, you were charged 3 water for tending a blueberry (2 water) and two strawberries (1 water).
If you attempt to finish tending after only one strawberry, you are presented with this message: "Tending another Strawberry costs no Water. Do you want to finish tending without planting another Strawberry?" You can try this in the replay.
I don't see any issue here.
If you attempt to finish tending after only one strawberry, you are presented with this message: "Tending another Strawberry costs no Water. Do you want to finish tending without planting another Strawberry?" You can try this in the replay.
I don't see any issue here.
DrFace • Detta är ingen bugg:
15 dec 2024 3:54 • This isn't what happened - there was no warning and not even an indicator that would allow me to plant a second strawberry. Also this has been reported by many people so please look into it.
Kayvon • Detta är ingen bugg:
15 dec 2024 3:59 •
16 dec 2024 3:11 • > so please look into it.
I just looked into it. Now we've had two separate developers look into this issue twice.
On move 125, you tended. You spent 3 water and tended a single strawberry and two blueberries.
Please play through the replay and try to reproduce your actions on move 125. Let us know if there's no warning when you try to submit with only a single strawberry. Include a screenshot so we can see what you're seeing.
Right now, we're seeing exactly what we expect. There's no issue here.
I just looked into it. Now we've had two separate developers look into this issue twice.
On move 125, you tended. You spent 3 water and tended a single strawberry and two blueberries.
Please play through the replay and try to reproduce your actions on move 125. Let us know if there's no warning when you try to submit with only a single strawberry. Include a screenshot so we can see what you're seeing.
Right now, we're seeing exactly what we expect. There's no issue here.
Kayvon • Detta är ingen bugg:
16 dec 2024 4:40 • @lyoko37, please read the conversation above.
As mentioned, you need to look at the replay on those turns, verify what you recall, and take screenshots. When we've tried it, there haven't been any issues.
As mentioned, you need to look at the replay on those turns, verify what you recall, and take screenshots. When we've tried it, there haven't been any issues.
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