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#18860: "A tile could not be placed at a valid position"
notabug: Detta är ingen bugg
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Regler: en av spelets regler har inte respekterats
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• Vilken del av reglerna respekterades inte av BGA-adaptionen?
Move #144, there is a position 4 rows from the top where 3 snakes come together, a cross/wild tile on the left, and 2 orange ends on the other 2 sides of the opening. A valid tile (4 sides, orange on all 4) for this position cannot be placed here.• Är regelbrottet synligt i återuppspelning? Om ja, vilket nummer är det på draget?
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Google Chrome v83
jerebnibob • Buggen har inte kunnat återupprepas av utvecklarna än:
7 jun 2020 14:18 • I think this may have something to do with the wild tile
A-dam • Detta är ingen bugg:
7 jun 2020 18:22 • Hi,
this is not a bug. The wildcard tile continues as a blue snake on the left, so how would you connect your 4-sided orange snake tile with blue snake?
this is not a bug. The wildcard tile continues as a blue snake on the left, so how would you connect your 4-sided orange snake tile with blue snake?
jerebnibob • Detta är ingen bugg:
7 jun 2020 22:15 • I thought that would just make a "freak beast". The first time I played this was allowed. Since then I have not been able to. Is it a different variant that allows "freak beasts"?
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