#44299: "Dont work Cunning skill in stepwise mode with automation curves"
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• Vilken spelhandling ville du göra?
Use my skill cunning when another player move my car• Vad försöker du göra för att sätta igång denna spelmekaniken?
nothing. Interface give the moving of my car for this player and he move it not efficiency.
Yes, its speed up game in stepwise mode, but break idea of this skill, l cant use it to take advantages• Vad hände när du försökte göra det här (felmeddelande, meddelande i spelstatusrad, ...)?
Interface give the moving of my car for this player and he move it not efficiency.• Vad har du för webbläsare?
Google Chrome v91
I had cunning power, and at the first split path (somewhere around move 105-110) my blue car took the outside line (which is a couple spaces longer) when the obvious best move would be to take the inside line as that line was unblocked at the time. At the end of the game, it cost my car 1-2 finishing positions.
Automate off-turn moves
move 88
Same problem, the automat made the orange car move on the outside which is no good for it.
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