Pocket Cats
It's Mice time! Take turns revealing and moving the tiles. Place the cats in your clan wisely and catch your prey to win the game. But... beware of dogs!
Du vill fånga så mycket byte (möss, duvor och flugor) med dina katter medan din motståndare gör allt för att dina katter ska fångas av hundarna...Och vad gör du? Likadant tillbaka! På så sätt får du ett Tom och Jerry-liknande konfliktspel!
Antal spelare: 2
Spellängd: 7 mn
Komplexitet: 2 / 5
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Sammanfattning av regler
Seed your cats strategically around the grid to capture prey and avoid dogs
Start by choosing a clan, each clan has a special effect in general and an ability for your Chief (the Chief is indicated by a paw print next to their value)
In Freedom mode, all clans are available and players pick in turn order
In Limited mode, each player is dealt 3 clans and picks one
In Expert mode, one player draws 3 and picks 1, then passes the remaining 2 to their opponent who picks 1 from the remaining 2. This mode should be played twice to make it fair and then create an overall score of the two games.
On your turn, pick any face down tile and flip it face up
You must then exchange it with another tile, in a way which depends on the tile that you turned over:
Prey tiles are swapped with any of the 8 adjacent tiles (that is orthogonal OR diagonal)
Cat tiles are swapped with a tile 1 or 2 spaces away orthogonally in a straight line
Dog tiles are swapped with any tile in its row or column
Game End
The game ends when the final tile is revealed
Any cats which are adjacent to a dog AND pointed to by its dog arrows are flipped face down
For each Prey, calculate the Cat values of each clan which is orthogonally adjacent, the clan with the highest value wins the prey
For Pigeons and Flies, if one player has won both Pigeons or both Flies, the victory points on these tiles are multiplied together. (Pigeons will be 10 victory points and Flies will be 12)
If clans have end of game effects, the clan with the combined highest value cats applies their effect first
Whoever has the most points, wins!
If tied, the player with the most prey tiles wins!