Race for the Galaxy RftG
Världar väntar! Kolonisera, utveckla och erövra, dra fördel av andras val.
I kortspelet Race for the Galaxy bygger spelarna galaktiska civilisationer genom att spela kort framför sig som representerar världar eller teknisk och social utveckling. Vissa världar tillåter spelare att producera varor, som kan konsumeras senare för att få antingen kortdragningar eller segerpoäng när lämplig teknik är tillgänglig för dem. Dessa tillhandahålls huvudsakligen av utvecklings- och ickeproducerande världar, men de bättre produktionsvärldarna ger också dessa bonusar.
Antal spelare: 2 - 6
Spellängd: 6 mn
Komplexitet: 4 / 5
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Sammanfattning av regler
In Race for the Galaxy, players are competing civilizations exploring space, discovering planets to conquer or settle, building an economy by consuming a planet's goods, and building developments. The object of the game is to earn the most victory points from planets and developments played in their tableau, consuming goods, and bonuses from special developments.
There are 5 phases to choose from: explore, develop, settle, consume, and produce. Players pick 1 phase per turn (two phases in a 2 player game), then everyone plays only the chosen phases in phase order. Players that chose each phase get an extra benefit. At the end of each round players with more than 10 cards discard down to 10 cards and a new round begins.
The game continues until one player plays 12 cards on their tableau or when the VP pool is exhausted. At the end of that round points are added up. The player with the most points is the winner! In case of a tie, the player with the most goods on the board plus cards in hand wins.
You may drag a resource (single-coloured small card) to a consumption power to consume it.
ALIEN TECH INSTITUTE: 3/ Alien technology production world • 2/ Alien technology windfall world • 2/ other ALIEN card (including this one)
FREE TRADE ASSOCIATION: 2/ Novelty production world • 1/ Novelty windfall world • 2/ CONSUMER MARKETS, EXPANDING COLONY
GALACTIC FEDERATION: 2/ 6-cost developments (including this one) • 2/ other developments
GALACTIC IMPERIUM: 2/ Rebel military world • 1/ other military world
GALACTIC SURVEY/SETI: 1/ development with an Explore power (including this one) • 2/ world with an Explore power • 1/ other world
MERCHANT GUILD: 2/ production world (not windfall) • 1/ good at game end
MINING LEAGUE: 2/ Rare elements production world • 1/ Rare elements windfall world • 2/ MINING ROBOTS, MINING CONGLOMERATE
NEW ECONOMY: 2/ development with a IV power (including this one) • 1/ world with a IV power
NEW GALACTIC ORDER: total Military (count negative Military but do not count specialized Military)
PAN-GALACTIC LEAGUE: 2/ Genes world • 1/ other military world • 3/ CONTACT SPECIALIST
TRADE LEAGUE: 2/ development with a $ power (including this one) • 1/ world with a $ power