Ice and the Sky
La Glace et le Ciel ('Is och himlen') är ett samarbetsspel för 2 till 4 spelare, som varar i cirka 20 minuter.
Spelare kommer verkligen att vara beroende av varandra (ingen kan leda festen) och att det blir spänningscrescendo under delen...
Var bara medveten om att det kommer att vara en fråga om balans mellan elementen vatten (hydrosfär), jord (litosfär) och luft (atmosfär), samt biosfären i skärningspunkten mellan alla tre.
Anpassad från filmen med samma namn av Luc Jacquet, på bio den 21 oktober 2015.
Antal spelare: 2 - 4
Spellängd: 13 mn
Komplexitet: 2 / 5
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Spela Ice and the Sky och 963 andra spel online.
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Med dina vänner och tusentals andra spelare från hela världen.
Sammanfattning av regler
Main rules:
Each player has an objective in the top right under their name. The objective consists of one line or column and one number. The goal is to have the sum of that line or column be equal to that number after all 12 cards have been played.
Each turn, you must play one of your cards on the board.
The CO2 cards should be covered before the end of any round.
All cards in all colors from 0 to 3 are present in each age. The objective of line or column is different for all players. The number is chosen between 344556.
It's present on the top. You gain for each round +1 per objective done, and -1 per objective failed. At the end of the game that score is multiplied by 3 minus the number of CO² cards visible at the end of any round. Your elo gain is equal to your score. A bonus of 50% is applied in expert mode.
Note which cards have a CO²:
- First generation: air 1, ice 2
- Second generation: air 3, earth 1, ice 0
- Third generation: air 2, earth 0 and 2, ice 3
With expert mode, you add:
- First generation: earth 3
- Second generation: air 0
- Third generation: ice 1