Conditions Générales de Services
1. Objet des présentes C.G.S. Joueurs
Les présentes C.G.S. Joueurs ont pour objet de définir les conditions et modalités d’utilisation du Site Joueurs et des Services accessibles gratuitement sous réserve de la création préalable d’un Compte ou payants sous réserve de la souscription d’un Abonnement Premium.
Les Services accessibles gratuitement sous réserve de la création préalable d’un Compte depuis le Site Développeurs, leurs conditions et modalités, sont détaillées dans les C.G.S. Développeurs disponibles en cliquant ici.
Les Services accessibles gratuitement sans nécessité de créer un Compte, leurs conditions et modalités, sont détaillés dans les C.G.U. disponibles en cliquant ici dont font partie intégrante les présentes C.G.S. Joueurs.
2. Définitions
Pour les besoins des présentes C.G.S. Joueurs, les termes en majuscules, qu’ils soient employés au singulier ou au pluriel, ont la signification suivante :
« Abonnement Premium » : désigne un Abonnement payant souscrit pour une certaine durée au choix de l’Utilisateur, avec ou sans reconduction tacite au choix de l’Utilisateur et lui permettant d’accéder, pendant la durée dudit Abonnement Premium, à l’ensemble des Services payants décrits à l’article 9 des présentes C.G.S. Joueurs complétés, le cas échéant, des Services payants décrits sur le Site Joueur.
« Application(s) » : désignent les jeux accessibles depuis le Site Développeur et/ou le Site Joueur, et/ou les jeux accessibles seulement depuis le Site Développeur car en cours de développement ou n’ayant pas fait l’objet d’une recette par BGA, composées en tout ou partie des Codes des Utilisateurs, édités par BGA et/ou ses Filiales ainsi que tout logiciel accessoire qui serait par exemple nécessaires comme une mise à jour de l’Application, une mise à niveau de l’Application, son code (en tout ou partie), les fichiers la composant, les images associées ou générées et les données associées mais également les applications non accessibles depuis les Sites BGA, car en cours de développement ou n’ayant pas fait l’objet d’une recette par BGA, composées en tout ou partie de Codes d’Utilisateurs ;
« Application(s) Premium » : désigne les Applications accessibles et utilisables uniquement aux Utilisateurs disposant d’un Abonnement Premium ;
« BGA » : désigne la société AD2G STUDIO, société par actions simplifiée, au capital social de 100,00 €, dont le siège social est situé au 18 rue Jacqueline Auriol, 78280 Guyancourt, immatriculée au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Nanterre sous le numéro 803 287 150 représentée par Monsieur Alexandre Schlecht agissant et ayant les pouvoirs nécessaires en tant que président.
« C.G.U. » : désigne les conditions générales d’utilisation relatives aux Services accessibles sans Compte depuis les Sites BGA ;
« C.G.S. Développeurs » : désigne les conditions générales de services relatives aux Services accessibles depuis le Site Développeurs ;
« C.G.S. Joueurs » : désigne les présentes C.G.S. Joueurs ;
« Compte » : désigne l’espace personnel d’un Utilisateur uniquement accessible avec des Éléments d’identification transmis par BGA lui permettant d’accéder et de bénéficier des Services ;
« Compte Tiers » : désigne un compte auquel l’Utilisateur a souscrit auprès d’un éditeur tiers et qui peut être lié à un Compte (par exemple Google ou Facebook) ;
« Contenu(s) » : désigne (nt) le(s) contenu(s) de toute nature (notamment des données textuelles, visuelles, vidéos, photographiques, espace de discussion, avis, etc. publiés(s) sur les Sites BGA grâce aux Services, par un Utilisateur sous sa responsabilité ;
« Données d’Identification » : désignent toute information renseignée par l’Utilisateur permettant à ce dernier de créer un Compte (adresse électronique, âge, localisation, etc.) ;
« Donnée(s) Personnelle(s) » : désigne (nt) les données à caractère personnel d’un Utilisateur ou d’un Internaute et collectées et traitées par BGA dans le cadre de la consultation des Sites BGA, comme, le cas échéant, la création et la gestion de son Compte et la réalisation des Services, et ce dans les conditions et modalités telle que définie dans la Politique de Confidentialité ;
« Élément d’identification » : désigne l’identifiant de connexion (« login » ou adresse de courrier électronique) et mot de passe (« password ») transmis par BGA à l’Utilisateur lui permettant d’accéder à son Compte ;
« Formulaire de rétractation » : désigne le formulaire permettant la mise en œuvre du droit de rétractation de son Abonnement Premium par l’Utilisateur. Le Formulaire de rétractation est disponible en annexe des présentes Conditions Générales de Services et d’Utilisation tout en bas de cette page,
« Filiale(s) » : désigne toute société ou entité qui contrôle directement ou indirectement ou qui est contrôlée par ou sous contrôle commun avec BGA. Le contrôle d’une entité signifie la possession, directement ou indirectement, du pouvoir de diriger ou de faire diriger la gestion ou les politiques d’une telle entité, que ce soit par la propriété des titres avec droit de vote, par contrat ou autrement ;
« Internaute » : désigne l’ensemble des internautes, visiteurs des Sites BGA, disposant ou non d’un Compte ;
« Nom d’Utilisateur » : désigne une série de caractères permettant à l’Utilisateur, avec un mot de passe déterminé par ses soins, de se connecter de manière unique à son Compte et d’accéder aux Services ;
« Politique de confidentialité » : désigne la politique de confidentialité et de protection des Données Personnelles des Utilisateurs mise en œuvre par BGA, laquelle fait partie intégrante des présentes C.G.S. Joueurs ;
« Politique de Modération de BGA » : désigne la politique de modération de BGA, accessible en cliquant ici et faisant partie intégrante des présentes C.G.S. Joueurs ;
« Services » : désignent les fonctionnalités et services gratuits mis à la disposition des Internautes et accessibles à l’aide d’un Support de Réception, depuis les Sites BGA sans Compte ainsi que les fonctionnalités et services gratuits ou payants, tels que déterminés dans les C.G.S. Développeurs et les présentes C.G.S. Joueurs et accessibles depuis les Sites BGA avec un Compte, aux Utilisateurs ;
« Site(s) BGA » : désigne indistinctement le Site Développeur et/ou le Site Joueur ;
« Site Développeur » : désigne le site Internet notamment accessible depuis l’adresse URL ;
« Site Joueur » : désigne le site Internet notamment accessible depuis l’adresse URL ;
« Support(s) de Réception » : désigne(nt) les ordinateurs, tablettes, smartphones, télévision, utilisés pour accéder aux Sites BGA et pouvoir utiliser les Applications et bénéficiant a minima d’un navigateur récent et à jour ;
« Traduction » : désigne les éléments littéraires et/ou textuels d’une Application et/ou des Sites BGA et faisant l’objet d’une traduction dans une langue différente par l’Utilisateur et dont les Droits de Propriété Intellectuelle sont cédés à BGA conformément aux C.G.S. Développeurs ;
« Utilisateur » : désigne toute personne physique de quinze (15) ans minimum et capable ou disposant d’une autorisation parentale pour ce faire, y compris représentant légal (dirigeant, préposé, etc.) d’une personne morale agissant pour son compte, souscrivant pour ce faire l’ouverture d’un Compte sur le Site Développeur et/ou sur le Site Développeur et n’étant soumise à aucune interdiction et/ou restriction légale, réglementaire ou conventionnelle l’empêchant d’accéder et/ou d’utiliser des Applications et/ou de développer des Développements et/ou céder les Développements à BGA et/ou de réaliser des Traductions et/ou céder les Traductions à BGA et/ou diffuser du Contenu et ayant rempli, le cas échéant, l’ensemble des formalités légales, réglementaires et conventionnelles pour ce faire, en vue d’utiliser les Services.
3. Champ d’application, acceptation et modification des C.G.S. Joueurs
3.1. Acceptation des C.G.S. Joueurs
Les présentes C.G.S. Joueurs régissent les droits, obligations et restrictions liés à l’utilisation du Site Joueur et/ou des Applications et/ou des Services et/ou à la souscription d’un Abonnement Premium.
L’accès au Site Joueur et/ou aux Applications et/ou l’utilisation de tout ou partie des Services, des Applications implique que l’Utilisateur accepte et s’engage à respecter les C.G.S. Joueurs, la Politique de confidentialité, les C.G.U., toute autre mention d’avertissement, et/ou les autres conditions contractuelles applicables et les règles du jeu, le cas échéant, applicables lors de l’utilisation des Applications, et ce, sans réserve.
3.2. Modifications des C.G.S. Joueurs
BGA se réserve le droit de modifier périodiquement les présentes C.G.S. Joueurs, par exemple pour les adapter aux modifications législatives et réglementaires, ou modifier les fonctionnalités proposées sur le Site Joueur et/ou les Services et/ou les Applications.
BGA informera, dans la mesure du possible, dans un délai maximum de 15 (quinze) jours avant de modifier les C.G.S. Joueurs. Par conséquent, l’Utilisateur est invité à consulter régulièrement ces C.G.S. Joueurs. Si l’Utilisateur n’accepte pas les C.G.S. Joueurs modifiées, l’Utilisateur doit cesser d’utiliser les Services. Continuer d’utiliser les Services au-delà de la date de publication des C.G.S. Joueurs modifiées présumera de l’acceptation par l’Utilisateur des C.G.S. Joueurs modifiées.
Les présentes C.G.S. Joueurs pouvant faire l’objet de modifications, les conditions applicables sont celles en vigueur et accessibles à la date d’accès de l’Utilisateur au Site Joueur.
3.3. Information et protection des mineurs
Si l’Utilisateur est mineur, et qu’il souhaite accéder au Site Joueur et utiliser pleinement tout ou partie des Services et/ou Applications, il doit prendre connaissance des C.G.S. Joueurs et les comprendre avec l’aide de ses parents ou ses représentants légaux et obtenir leur consentement pour l’utilisation desdits Services et/ou Applications.
BGA recommande toutefois aux parents ou représentants légaux de surveiller les activités de leurs enfants ou des enfants qu’ils ont à leur charge, dans le cadre de l’utilisation des Services. BGA recommande aux Utilisateurs d’être vigilants à ce que leurs enfants, ou les enfants qu’ils ont à charge ne divulguent jamais leurs Données Personnelles sans le consentement des Utilisateurs.
BGA se réserve le droit de restreindre ou d’interdire l’accès à des Services par les enfants mineurs de moins de quinze (15) ans si l’accord préalable des parents ou représentants légaux n’a pas été recueilli.
Les parents ou représentants légaux peuvent clôturer à tout moment le Compte du mineur en faisant parvenir un courrier électronique à BGA dont les coordonnées sont disponibles en cliquant ici.
Nonobstant ce qui précède, l’utilisation des Services de BGA doit être effectuée sous surveillance parentale, toute utilisation des Services par un mineur sera présumée avoir été validée au préalable par ses parents ou représentants légaux.
Sauf disposition légale contraire, BGA rejette toute responsabilité relative à l’utilisation des Services par des mineurs sans l’accord des parents ou représentants légaux.
4. Conditions et modalités de souscription aux Services
4.1. Création d’un Compte
Pour pouvoir accéder à et/ou utiliser certaines fonctionnalités et/ou avantages des Services, il est nécessaire de créer un Compte. Pour créer un Compte, l’Utilisateur doit se rendre sur le Site Joueur et renseigner ses Données d’Identification.
L’Utilisateur a également la possibilité de lier son Compte Tiers au sens des C.G.U. avec son Compte de cette façon il pourra accéder directement au Site Joueur sans avoir besoin de renseigner d’autres Données d’Identification.
Toute connexion au Site Joueur, à l’une des Applications et/ou aux Services à l’aide d’un Compte Tiers au sens des C.G.U. est réputée avoir été effectuée avec le Compte en question. Les traitements de Données Personnelles relatifs à la liaison d’un Compte Tiers avec un Compte sont expliqués dans la Politique de confidentialité.
D’autres Données d’Identification pourront être renseignées dans la rubrique « À propos de » sur le Site Joueur lesquelles seront publiques et donc accessibles aux autres Utilisateurs.
L’ouverture d’un Compte nécessite la création d’un Nom d’Utilisateur, le cas échéant d’un avatar (identité visuelle liée au Compte et créée par l’Utilisateur), et d’un mot de passe.
Le Nom d’Utilisateur est un élément unique, deux Utilisateurs ne peuvent avoir le même.
L’Utilisateur accepte que le Nom d’Utilisateur soit publiquement affiché dans le cadre des Services conformément à la Politique de confidentialité, en conséquence il est recommandé à l’Utilisateur ne pas y faire figurer son nom patronymique, lequel peut, de manière facultative, être renseigné publiquement dans les informations de son Compte.
Pour les autres Données d’Identification pouvant être rendues publiques, l’Utilisateur est invité à se référer à la Politique de confidentialité.
Les Éléments d’identification sont strictement personnels. L’Utilisateur s’engage à conserver leur confidentialité et à ne pas les transmettre à des tiers. L’Utilisateur est seul autorisé à accéder et utiliser les Services à l’aide de son Compte et partant de ses Éléments d’Identification.
Tout accès aux Services avec le Compte est réputé de plein droit avoir été effectué par l’Utilisateur y associé et sous sa responsabilité.
Dès lors, en cas de perte, de vol ou tout acte frauduleux à l’égard des Éléments d’identification, il appartient à l’Utilisateur d’en informer BGA dans les plus brefs délais et de justifier à cette occasion de son identité par tous moyens.
À réception de sa notification dûment justifiée, BGA adressera un courrier électronique à l’Utilisateur lui permettant de mettre à jour ses Éléments d’identification, à charge pour lui de les conserver strictement confidentiels.
Si BGA a des motifs légitimes de penser que la sécurité du Site Joueur et/ou de l’une/des Application(s) est violée et/ou qu’une mauvaise utilisation de tout ou partie des Services serait due à une utilisation non autorisée du Compte de l’Utilisateur, BGA pourra suspendre temporairement l’accès de l’Utilisateur à son Compte, et/ou à son Abonnement Premium et donc son accès aux Services, et ce, pour préserver l’intégrité du Site Joueur et/ou de l’une/des Application(s) et des données puis, si nécessaire, exiger de l’Utilisateur la modification de ses Éléments d’identification suivant ses instructions.
De même, si l’Utilisateur sélectionne un Nom d’Utilisateur au titre des Éléments d’identification lui permettant d’accéder à son Compte qui serait inapproprié, contraire aux bonnes mœurs ou portant atteinte au droit d’un tiers, BGA se réserve le droit de suspendre l’accès au Compte concerné et/ou suspendre l’Abonnement Premium en cause.
4.2. Véracité et utilisation des Données d’Identification.
Lors de la création de son Compte, l’Utilisateur s’engage à fournir des Données d’Identification exactes et complètes et s’engage également à mettre ces Données d’Identification à jour, en conformité avec les demandes de BGA.
L’Utilisateur n’allèguera ni n’insinuera être une autre personne ou entité, en fournissant de faux renseignements sur un parent, un tuteur légal ou toute autre personne, notamment, par le biais du Nom d’Utilisateur, de l’avatar ou de toute autre information telle que l’image.
BGA peut prendre des mesures pour vérifier la véracité des informations fournies, le cas échéant, par téléphone ou par mail renseigné pour désigner un parent ou un tuteur légal. Afin d’éviter les fraudes, l’Utilisateur accepte de transmettre à BGA sur demande, par courriel les autorisations et éléments de preuves nécessaires conformément à la Politique de confidentialité.
5. Utilisation des Applications
Les Applications sont mises à disposition de l’Utilisateur sous licence non cessible, non exclusive, non commerciale, personnelle, et exclusivement à des fins de loisirs et d’usage personnel.
Les Applications demeurent la propriété entière de BGA et/ou ses Filiales, notamment concernant les droits de propriété intellectuelle y associés. En conséquence, la licence accordée ne constitue en aucun cas une cession des droits de propriété intellectuelle desdites Applications.
À ce titre, l’Utilisateur s’interdit de vendre, copier, échanger, transférer, publier, louer, concéder au titre d’une licence, distribuer, commercialiser ou exploiter commercialement l’Application, ou encore la décompiler, désassembler le code, le réduire en une forme lisible par l’homme ou attribuer ou distribuer quelque élément que ce soit que l’Utilisateur pourrait copier ou dériver de ladite Application.
La licence permettant l’utilisation de l’Application sera en vigueur tant que l’Application demeurera accessible sur le Site Joueur. L’Utilisateur ne saurait demander le remboursement d’aucun paiement effectué du fait qu’une Application n’est plus accessible sur le Site Joueur et/ou que son modèle économique change (par exemple qu’une Application soit devenue une Application Premium et inversement).
L’Utilisateur est informé que les Applications ne sont compatibles qu’avec les Supports de Réception au sens des C.G.U et tous les systèmes d’exploitation et que les performances des Applications et des Services qui s’y rapportent peuvent varier en conséquence.
6. Règles de conduite
BGA autorise l’Utilisateur par les présentes à accéder et à utiliser le Site Joueur, et/ou les Applications et/ou les Services, sous réserve du respect notamment des conditions rappelées dans les C.G.U et l’Utilisateur est informé que le non-respect de l’une d’elles constitue, de sa part, un manquement aux présentes C.G.S. Joueurs.
7. Espaces de discussions en ligne
Les espaces de discussion comme les autres Services sont modérés a postériori, ils ne permettent pas une vérification des Contenus avant affichage sur les Applications.
Lorsque l’Utilisateur effectue une publication d’un Contenu sur les espaces de discussion, son Nom d’Utilisateur et/ou son avatar peut apparaitre. L’Utilisateur déclare avoir connaissance et accepter que la divulgation, et/ou la publication et/ou la diffusion de ses messages se fait sous sa propre responsabilité. Les Contenus sont diffusés sur les espaces de discussion (et plus généralement à l’aide des Services) sans limitation de durée et subsistent y compris si l’Utilisateur supprime son Compte.
Si l’Utilisateur supprime son Compte, celui-ci devient invisible sur le Site Joueur et/ou les Applications pour les autres Utilisateurs et n’est plus accessible. Les Contenus de l’Utilisateur persistent même après la suppression de son Compte, étant entendu que le Contenu demeurera associé à son Nom d’Utilisateur et/ou son avatar.
8. Traductions
Chaque Utilisateur peut procéder à la réalisation de Traductions dans les conditions et modalités détaillées dans les C.G.S. Développeurs lesquelles prévoient expressément que l’ensemble des droits de propriété intellectuelle associés à ces Traductions seront automatiquement dévolus à BGA.
Les Utilisateurs garantissent donc avoir pris connaissance des C.G.S. Développeurs avant d’engager toute Traduction (au sens des C.G.S. Développeurs) qu’ils acceptent intégralement et s’engagent à respecter sans restriction ni réserve.
9. Abonnement Premium
Pour accéder aux Services payants, l’Utilisateur est invité à souscrire un Abonnement Premium proposé sur le Site Joueur.
Avec l’Abonnement Premium, l’Utilisateur peut bénéficier des Services payants notamment :
◦ Jouer aux Applications Premium ;
◦ Absence d’attente avant de jouer à une Application ;
◦ Jouer depuis le même terminal, à plusieurs (un seul Abonnement Premium est nécessaire) ;
◦ Conférence audio ou vidéo pour jouer aux Applications avec d’autres Utilisateurs bénéficiant d’un Abonnement Premium ;
◦ Accéder aux statistiques d’utilisation des Applications ;
◦ Jouer à une Application avec sa couleur préférée lorsque cela est possible
◦ Créer des tournois
◦ Autres Services payants décrits sur le Site Joueur le cas échéant.
L’Abonnement Premium permet notamment l'accès à des "Applications Premiums". La liste complète des "Applications Premiums" est disponible sur la page "Premium" du Site Joueur.
Chaque Application "Premium" a besoin d'au moins un (1) Utilisateur avec un Abonnement Premium pour démarrer. Autrement dit, les Utilisateurs Premiums peuvent créer des nouvelles tables de jeu Premium, et jouer avec n'importe quel autre Utilisateur, disposant d’un Abonnement Premium ou non.
Les Services fournis avec l’Abonnement Premium fournissent l'accès à des "Extensions Premiums". Les "Extensions Premiums" sont des options (cad: des variantes) d'une Application accessible sans Abonnement Premium.
Une Application avec une "Extension Premium" a besoin d'au moins un (1) Utilisateur avec un Abonnement Premium pour démarrer. Autrement dit, les Utilisateurs Premiums peuvent créer des nouvelles tables avec une option "Extension Premium" sélectionnée, et jouer avec n'importe quel autre Utilisateur, disposant d’un Abonnement Premium ou non.
9.1. Souscription des Abonnements Premium
Pour souscrire à un Abonnement Premium, l’Utilisateur est invité à remplir un formulaire d’Abonnement dans lequel il lui sera demandé notamment de sélectionner la formule choisie (soit : un Abonnement Premium mensuel ou annuel) et renseigner les informations mentionnées sur sa carte de paiement pour procéder à son règlement. Tout Abonnement Premium est conclu pour sa durée ferme.
Les sommes versées au titre de l’Abonnement Premium sont définitivement acquises à BGA, y compris en cas de résiliation anticipée de l’Abonnement Premium, laquelle prendra effet, en tout état de cause à l’issue de la période correspondante à l’Abonnement Premium souscrit.
Le seul mode de communication entre BGA et l’Utilisateur étant l’échange de courriers électroniques, l’Utilisateur déclare et garantit à cet égard que les informations transmises par lui à BGA sont sincères et valables et que l’adresse de courrier électronique renseignée lors de son inscription est parfaitement valide et en état de fonctionnement.
Il appartient à l’Utilisateur d’informer BGA de tout changement de son adresse de courrier électronique.
La souscription d’un Abonnement Premium ne peut être faite qu’à des fins personnelles ce que déclare et reconnaît l’Utilisateur.
Le non-respect par l’Utilisateur de tout ou partie des obligations souscrites aux termes des présentes C.G.S. Joueurs, et en particulier concernant tout incident de paiement du prix de l’Abonnement, pourra entraîner le droit pour BGA de refuser à l’Utilisateur toute nouvelle souscription d’Abonnement jusqu’à la régularisation de sa situation.
Avant la souscription de son Abonnement Premium, l’Utilisateur est invité à sélectionner la durée de l’Abonnement Premium de son choix, puis à confirmer son Abonnement en procédant à son paiement.
Préalablement au paiement de son Abonnement Premium, l’Utilisateur est invité à accepter les termes des présentes C.G.S. Joueurs. Il est acquis que les C.G.S. Joueurs applicables sont celles en vigueur au jour de la confirmation de son Abonnement Premium.
Une fois la souscription de son Abonnement Premium payée et finalisée par l’Utilisateur sur le Site Joueur, une confirmation écrite lui sera adressée par courrier électronique, récapitulant la formule d’Abonnement Premium souscrite, son prix et les modalités d’utilisation des services souscrits.
L’Utilisateur s’engage à conserver les éléments contenus dans le courrier électronique de confirmation d’Abonnement, en ce compris les pièces jointes de ce dernier.
9.2. Prix des Abonnements
Les prix des Abonnements Premium est indiqué sur le Site Joueur en euros ou dans la devise locale de l’Utilisateur toutes taxes comprises (TVA et autres taxes applicables).
L’Utilisateur reconnaît et accepte que le montant de son Abonnement Premium ne prend en compte ni le coût des télécommunications permettant l’accès aux Services payants proposés sur le Site Joueur et compris dans son Abonnement Premium, ni les autres coûts éventuels de connexion à l’Internet, qui restent en toutes hypothèses à la charge de l’Utilisateur, en totalité.
BGA se réserve le droit de modifier ses prix à tout moment.
En cas de modification du prix des formules d’Abonnement Premium, cette modification sera effective, à compter du renouvellement de l’Abonnement de l’Utilisateur, lequel recevra un courrier électronique l’informant de cette modification quinze (15) jours avant la date de renouvellement de son Abonnement Premium.
En cas de modification par BGA des prix des formules d’Abonnement Premium, ces modifications seront effectives dès leur mise en ligne sur le Site Joueur.
Pour certains moyens de paiement, l'émetteur du moyen de paiement de l’Utilisateur peut lui facturer certains frais, tels que des frais de change ou d'autres frais relatifs au fonctionnement de sa méthode de paiement.
Le règlement intégral du prix de l’Abonnement Premium s’effectue par carte bancaire auprès de son prestataire de paiement suivant un processus de paiement sécurisé fourni par celle-ci et ne permettant pas, en tout état de cause, à BGA de prendre connaissance des coordonnées bancaires de l’Utilisateur. Le cas échéant, le règlement intégral du prix de l’Abonnement Premium peut s’effectuer selon tout autre mode de paiement tel qu’indiqué sur le Site Internet Joueur.
Le règlement intégral du prix de l’Abonnement Premium reconduit tacitement s’effectue par l’intermédiaire du prestataire de paiement si bien que le jour de prélèvement peut être modifié, par exemple si le moyen de paiement n'a temporairement pas pu être prélevé ou en fonction des jours ouvrables applicables.
9.3. Durée des Abonnements Premium
L’Utilisateur est informé qu’aux termes des dispositions des articles L.215-1, L.215-3 et L.241-3 du Code de la Consommation relatives à la reconduction tacite (automatique) des contrats :
« (L.215-1) Pour les contrats de prestations de services conclus pour une durée déterminée avec une clause de reconduction tacite, le professionnel prestataire de services informe le consommateur par écrit, par lettre nominative ou courrier électronique dédiés, au plus tôt trois mois et au plus tard un mois avant le terme de la période autorisant le rejet de la reconduction, de la possibilité de ne pas reconduire le contrat qu’il a conclu avec une clause de reconduction tacite. Cette information, délivrée dans des termes clairs et compréhensibles, mentionne, dans un encadré apparent, la date limite de non-reconduction.
Lorsque cette information ne lui a pas été adressée conformément aux dispositions du premier alinéa, le consommateur peut mettre gratuitement un terme au contrat, à tout moment à compter de la date de reconduction.
Les avances effectuées après la dernière date de reconduction ou, s’agissant des contrats à durée indéterminée, après la date de transformation du contrat initial à durée déterminée, sont dans ce cas remboursées dans un délai de trente jours à compter de la date de résiliation, déduction faite des sommes correspondant, jusqu’à celle-ci, à l’exécution du contrat.
Les dispositions du présent article s’appliquent sans préjudice de celles qui soumettent légalement certains contrats à des règles particulières en ce qui concerne l’information du consommateur. »
« (L.215-3) Les dispositions du présent chapitre sont également applicables aux contrats conclus entre des professionnels et des non professionnels. »
« (L.241-3) Lorsque le professionnel n’a pas procédé au remboursement dans les conditions prévues à l’article L. 215-1, les sommes dues sont productives d’intérêts au taux légal.
9.4. Renouvellement tacite et automatique
Quelle que soit la durée de l’Abonnement Premium et sous réserve que cela soit techniquement possible et qu’il ne s’agisse pas d’un Abonnement Premium offert par un autre Utilisateur, l’Utilisateur est pleinement informé qu’à son échéance, celui-ci sera automatiquement reconduit pour une durée identique à̀ celle initialement souscrite par l’Utilisateur, sauf résiliation par l’Utilisateur au plus tard vingt-quatre (24) heures avant l’expiration de l’échéance de l’Abonnement Premium en cours.
Ainsi, s’il n’entend pas renouveler son Abonnement ou le résilier, l’Utilisateur devra se connecter à son Compte sur le site le Site Joueur, se rendre alors dans la rubrique « Mes Préférences », puis « Mon Compte », et cliquer sur « Annuler mon abonnement » et ce, dans le délai visé ci-dessus.
À défaut d’une telle notification, l’Abonnement Premium sera reconduit et facturé sur la même base tarifaire et selon des périodicités identiques à celle de l’Abonnement initialement souscrit.
Conformément aux articles L.215-1, L.215-3 et L.241-3 du Code de la consommation reproduit ci-devant, BGA adressera à l’Utilisateur un courriel l’informant de sa faculté́ de ne pas reconduire l’Abonnement Premium annuel et les modalités de sa non-reconduction dudit Abonnement Premium.
10. Droit de rétractation
L’Utilisateur reconnaît avoir reçu toutes les informations relatives aux Services proposés sur le Site Joueur et plus précisément aux différentes formules d’Abonnement Premium proposées sur le Site Joueur, avant d’y souscrire et que l’offre de ces services est conforme aux exigences requises en matière de prestations de services fournies à distance, en particulier via Internet.
Conformément aux dispositions de l’article L.221-28° 13 du Code de la consommation, le droit de rétractation ne peut être exercé pour les contrats :
« 13° De fourniture d’un contenu numérique non fourni sur un support matériel dont l’exécution a commencé après accord préalable exprès du consommateur et renoncement exprès à son droit de rétractation. »
Conformément au troisième alinéa de l’article L.221-9 du Code de la consommation :
« Le contrat mentionne, le cas échéant, l’accord exprès du consommateur pour la fourniture d’un contenu numérique indépendant de tout support matériel avant l’expiration du délai de rétractation et, dans cette hypothèse, le renoncement de ce dernier à l’exercice de son droit de rétractation. »
Conformément au second alinéa de l’article L.221-13 du Code de la consommation :
« Le cas échéant, le professionnel fournit au consommateur, dans les mêmes conditions et avant l’expiration du délai de rétractation, la confirmation de son accord exprès pour la fourniture d’un contenu numérique non présenté sur un support matériel et de son renoncement à l’exercice du droit de rétractation. »
Toutefois, si l’Utilisateur décide de se rétracter de son Abonnement Premium sans en invoquer de motif et ce, pendant un délai de (14) jours calendaires à compter de la confirmation de son Abonnement Premium par BGA, l’Utilisateur doit informer BGA de son intention, au plus tard dans le délai précité de quatorze (14) jours, et ce : soit en complétant et adressant à BGA le Formulaire de rétractation joint en annexe des présentes C.G.S. Joueurs et en respectant les instructions y figurant ; soit, en manifestant son intention de rétractation de manière claire et non équivoque comprenant les informations essentielles pour ce faire par courrier électronique ou par pli postal à BGA dont les coordonnées complètes sont disponibles en cliquant ici.
Dans les meilleurs délais à compter de la réception par BGA du Formulaire de rétractation ou de la notification matérialisant la volonté de l’Utilisateur de faire exercer son droit de rétractation, BGA en accuse réception à l’Utilisateur par courrier électronique. Les coûts liés à l’envoi du Formulaire de rétractation sont à la charge de l’Utilisateur.
11. Propriété intellectuelle
11.1. Utilisation des Services
Les Services sont conçus, édités et gérés par ou pour le compte de BGA. L’Utilisateur reconnait et accepte que l’accès aux Applications, Contenus et Services mis à disposition par BGA ne saurait emporter quelconque cession des droits de propriété intellectuelle au bénéfice de l’Utilisateur.
L’accès aux Services est exclusivement limité à l’usage privé et personnel de l’Utilisateur dans les conditions et limites définies dans les présentes C.G.S. Joueurs.
11.2. Contenu(s)
En tant que détenteur d’un Compte, l’Utilisateur peut soumettre du Contenu à l’aide des Services.
L’Utilisateur conserve tous ses droits de propriété intellectuelle sur son Contenu, mais est tenu de concéder des droits limités à BGA et aux autres Utilisateurs dans les conditions prévues à l’article 12.3 ci-dessous.
L’Utilisateur reconnait et accepte qu’il est seul responsable de son propre Contenu et des conséquences de sa diffusion en ce compris toute diffusion de façon indirecte par des liens hypertextes. BGA ne garantit aucun Contenu, ou opinion, recommandation ou avis exprimé dans celui-ci, et BGA décline expressément toute responsabilité relative à ce Contenu.
L’Utilisateur déclare et garantit qu’il dispose (et continuera à disposer pendant l’utilisation des Services) de tous les droits, licences, consentements et autorisations nécessaires pour permettre à BGA d’utiliser son Contenu dans le but d’offrir le Site Joueur, les Applications, les Services et plus généralement dans les conditions envisagées par les présentes C.G.S. Joueurs.
L’Utilisateur reconnait que, par le simple fait d’utiliser les Services, l’Utilisateur peut être exposé à du Contenu inexact, choquant, indécent ou autrement négatif. En sa qualité d’hébergeur, BGA ne saurait en aucun cas être considéré comme responsable pour la diffusion de ce type de Contenu.
BGA se réserve le droit de contacter l’Utilisateur afin d’obtenir plus de renseignements concernant les Contenus postés et de vérifier que l’Utilisateur en est bien le l’auteur et le cas échéant que l’Utilisateur en détient les droits.
En tout état de cause BGA n’est ni lié, ni engagé, ni responsable des opinions, conseils et/ou recommandations affichés et/ou envoyés par les Utilisateurs à l’aide des Services et précisément dans les espaces de discussion et décline toute responsabilité afférente.
11.3. Les droits concédés par l’Utilisateur sur son Contenu
Lorsque l’Utilisateur soumet du Contenu sur le Site Joueur et/ou sur les Applications et en tout état de cause à l’aide des Services, il concède :
a) à BGA, le droit non exclusif, cessible (y compris le droit de sous-licencier), à titre gracieux, et pour le territoire du monde entier d’utiliser, de reproduire, de distribuer, de réaliser des œuvres dérivées, de représenter et d’exécuter le Contenu dans le cadre des Services ou en relation avec la mise à disposition des Services, du Site Joueur et des Applications et l’activité de BGA, notamment, sans limitation, pour la promotion et la redistribution de tout ou partie des Services, du Site Joueur et des Applications (et des œuvres dérivées qui en résultent), en tout format, sur tout support et via tous les canaux média ;
b) à chaque Utilisateur des Services, le droit non exclusif, à titre gracieux, et pour le territoire du monde entier d’accéder à son Contenu via les Services et d’utiliser, de reproduire, de distribuer, de réaliser des œuvres dérivées, de représenter, d’exécuter le Contenu dans la mesure autorisée par les fonctionnalités des Services et par les présentes C.G.S. Joueurs.
12. Résiliation du Compte
12.1. Résiliation à l’initiative de BGA
En cas de non-respect des présentes C.G.S. Joueurs et/ou de la Politique de Modération de BGA, BGA se réserve le droit de suspendre temporairement ou de supprimer définitivement le Compte de l’Utilisateur et/ou l’Abonnement Premium de l’Utilisateur dans les conditions de la Politique de Modération de BGA sans que cette suspension et/ou suppression définitive ne puisse donner lieu à l’allocation de quelconque indemnité ou remboursement.
12.2. Résiliation à l’initiative de l’Utilisateur
L’Utilisateur peut résilier son Compte à tout moment, de plein droit et sans formalité préalable, depuis l’onglet « Préférence/Mon Compte » de son Compte, en cliquant sur « supprimer mon compte BGA ».
L’article 12 des présentes C.G.S. Joueurs survivent en tout état de cause à la résiliation du Compte par l’Utilisateur ou par BGA, ce qui signifie que la résiliation du Compte par l’Utilisateur ou par BGA n’est pas de nature à remettre en cause la titularité des Droits de Propriété intellectuelle sur les Contenus tels que prévus dans les présentes C.G.S. Joueurs.
13. Responsabilité de l’Utilisateur
L’Utilisateur convient que son utilisation du Site Joueur et/ou des Applications et/ou des Services est à ses risques et qu’il relève de sa responsabilité de garder en vigueur les polices d’assurance maladie, responsabilité civile, risques, blessures personnelles, médicales, vie, et toute autre police d’assurance qu’il jugera raisonnablement nécessaire en cas de quelque préjudice qu’il pourrait subir lors de l’utilisation de l’Application. L’Utilisateur demeure le seul et unique responsable de l’utilisation du Site Joueur, des Applications et des Services mis à sa disposition et du respect des présentes C.G.S. Joueurs.
14. Divers
14.1. Notifications
L’Utilisateur accepte que BGA lui adresse des notifications, y compris celles modifiant les présentes C.G.S. Joueurs, par courriel, par courrier postal ou par diffusion sur le Site Joueur, les Applications et, le cas échéant sur son Compte.
14.2. Correspondance — Preuve
Sauf disposition particulière des présentes C.G.S. Joueurs, les correspondances échangées entre l’Utilisateur et BGA sont principalement assurées par courrier électronique. En application des articles 1366 et suivants du Code civil, l’Utilisateur reconnait et accepte que les informations délivrées par BGA par courrier électronique et sur le Site Joueur fassent foi entre l’Utilisateur et BGA. Les éléments tels que le moment de la réception ou de l’émission, ainsi que la qualité des données reçues feront foi par priorité telle que figurant sur le Site Joueur, ou telles qu’authentifiées par les procédures informatisées de BGA (notamment via les logs collectés), sauf à en apporter la preuve écrite et contraire par l’Utilisateur. La portée de la preuve des informations délivrées par le Site Joueur et/ou les Applications les procédures informatisées de BGA (notamment via les logs collectés) est celle accordée à un original au sens d’un document écrit papier, signé de manière manuscrite.
14.3. Non-renonciation.
L’Utilisateur reconnait que si BGA n’exerce pas ou ne fait pas valoir tout droit ou recours prévu aux présentes C.G.S. Joueurs (ou dont BGA peut bénéficier en vertu de toute loi applicable), cela ne constitue pas une renonciation formelle de BGA ses droits, et ces droits et recours resteront valables et applicables pour BGA.
14.4. Non-validité partielle
Si l’un des termes de ces C.G.S. Joueurs est jugé nul par toute décision d’un tribunal compétent, celui-ci sera supprimé sans affecter les autres termes des C.G.S. Joueurs. Les termes restants demeureront valables et applicables.
14.5. Titres
En cas de difficultés d’interprétation entre l’un des titres figurant en tête des clauses des présentes C.G.S. Joueurs, et l’une des clauses, les titres seront déclarés inexistants.
14.6. Bénéficiaire des C.G.S. Joueurs
L’Utilisateur reconnait et accepte que les Filiales de BGA soient considérées comme bénéficiaires des C.G.S. Joueurs et que ces autres sociétés soient autorisées à faire valoir directement et à se fonder sur les termes de ces C.G.S. Joueurs. À l’exception de ce qui est précisé ici, aucune autre personne ou société ne sera considérée comme un tiers bénéficiaire des présentes C.G.S. Joueurs.
15. Droit applicable — Règlement des litiges
Le présent document a été établi en français et en anglais, toutefois, seule la version française prévaudra en cas de difficulté d'interprétation.
Les présentes C.G.S. Joueurs seront exécutées et interprétées conformément au droit français.
En cas de litige susceptible de survenir en rapport avec les présentes C.G.S. Joueurs, leur interprétation et leurs conséquences ou avec les actes les complétant ou les modifiant, l’Utilisateur se rapprochera de BGA aux fins de tenter d’obtenir une solution amiable.
Toute réclamation auprès de BGA doit être formulée de manière écrite.
À défaut de règlement amiable, l’Utilisateur peut choisir :
1) De recourir à une solution de médiation amiable dans un délai maximal d’un (1) an à compter de sa réclamation écrite à l’attention de BGA :
(i) soit en saisissant un médiateur de la consommation en vue de la résolution amiable du litige. À cet effet, le différend sera soumis à la médiation conformément au règlement de médiation du CMAP - Centre de médiation et d’arbitrage de Paris - près la Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Paris Ile-de-France,
(ii) soit en recourant au système de règlement en ligne des litiges accessible à l’adresse suivante :, étant précisé que le processus de médiation proposé ne saurait être une condition préalable à une saisie des tribunaux compétents par l’Utilisateur.
2) De porter sa réclamation devant les juridictions françaises compétentes.
Formulaire de rétractation
À l'attention de ............................................... [à compléter avec la raison sociale de BGA, son adresse géographique et, lorsqu'ils sont disponibles, son numéro de télécopieur et son adresse électronique] : Je vous notifie par la présente ma rétractation de mon Abonnement Premium souscrit le _____________________ Nom du consommateur : Adresse du consommateur : Signature du consommateur (uniquement en cas de notification du présent formulaire sur papier) : Date :General Terms of Services
1. Purpose of these Player G.T.S.
The purpose of these Player G.T.S. is to define the terms and conditions for the use of the Player Site and the Services that can be accessed free of charge subject to the prior creation of an Account or for a fee subject to the purchase of a Premium Subscription.
The Services accessible free of charge subject to the prior creation of an Account from the Developer Site, their terms and conditions, are detailed in the Developer G.T.S. available by clicking here.
The Services accessible free of charge without the need to create an Account, their terms and conditions, are detailed in the G.T.U. available by clicking here of which these Player G.T.U. form an integral part.
2. Definitions
For the purposes of these Developer G.T.S., capitalized terms, whether singular or plural, have the following meaning:
"Account": means the personal space of a User that is only accessible with Identification Details transmitted by BGA allowing them to access and benefit from the Services;
"Application(s)": means the games accessible from the Developer Site and/or the Player Site, and/or the games accessible only from the Developer Site because they are under development or have not been approved by BGA, composed in whole or in part of User Codes, published by BGA and/or its Subsidiaries as well as any accessory software which may be necessary, such as an Application update, an Application upgrade, its code (in whole or in part), the files it contains, the associated or generated images and the associated data but also the applications not accessible from the BGA Sites, because they are under development or have not been approved by BGA, composed in whole or in part of User Codes;
"BGA": means the company AD2G STUDIO, a simplified joint-stock company with a share capital of €100.00, whose registered office is located at 18 rue Jacqueline Auriol, 78280 Guyancourt, registered with the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 803 287 150, represented by Mr. Alexandre Schlecht acting and having the necessary powers as Chairman.
"BGA Moderation Policy": means the BGA moderation policy, accessible by clicking here and forming an integral part of these Player G.T.S.;
"BGA Site(s)": means the Developer Site and/or the Player Site;
"Content": means content of any kind (including textual, visual, video, photographic data, chat rooms, opinions, etc.) published on the BGA Sites through the Services, by a User under their responsibility;
"Developer G.T.S.": means the general terms of service relating to the Services accessible from the Developer Site;
"Developer Site": means the website accessible in particular from the URL address ;
"G.T.U.": means the general terms of use accessible relating to Services accessible without an Account from the BGA Sites;
"Identification Data": means any information provided by the User to create an Account (email address, age, location, etc.);
"Identification Details": means the login or email address and password sent by BGA to the User allowing them to access their Account;
"Internet User": refers to all Internet Users, visitors to the BGA Sites, whether or not they have an Account;
"Personal Data": means the personal data of a User or Internet User collected and processed by BGA in the context of consulting the BGA Sites, such as, where applicable, the creation and management of their Account and the provision of the Services, under the terms and conditions defined in the Privacy Policy;
"Player G.T.S.": means these Player G.T.S.;
"Player Site": means the website accessible in particular from the URL address ;
"Premium Application(s)": means the Applications accessible and usable only by Users with a Premium Subscription;
"Premium Subscription": means a paid Subscription taken out for a certain period of time at the User's discretion, with or without tacit renewal at the User's discretion, and allowing the User to access, for the duration of said Premium Subscription, all the paid Services described in Article 9 of these Player G.T.S. supplemented, where applicable, by the paid Services described on the Player Site.
"Privacy Policy": means the privacy and protection of Users' Personal Data policy implemented by BGA, which forms an integral part of these Player G.T.S.;
"Receiving Medium(s)": means the computers, tablets, smartphones and televisions used to access the BGA Sites and to use the Applications, and which have at least a recent and up-to-date browser;
"Services": means the free features and services made available to Internet Users and accessible, using a Receiving Medium, from the BGA Sites without an Account as well as the free or paid features and services, as determined in the Developer G.T.S. and these Player G.T.S. and accessible from the BGA Sites with an Account, to Users;
"Subsidiary(ies)": means any company or entity that directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by or under common control with BGA. Control of an entity means the possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to direct or have directed the management or policies of any such entity, whether through ownership of voting securities, by contract or otherwise;
"Third Party Account": means an account to which the User has subscribed with a third party publisher and which may be linked to an Account (for example Google or Facebook);
"Translation": means the literary and/or textual elements of an Application and/or the BGA Sites that are translated into a different language by the User and for which the Intellectual Property Rights are assigned to BGA in accordance with the Developer G.T.S.;
"User(s)": means any natural person at least fifteen (15) years old who is capable or has parental authorisation to do so, including the legal representative (manager, employee, etc.) of a legal entity acting on its behalf, who opens an Account on the Player Site and/or Developer Site and who is not subject to any legal, regulatory or contractual prohibition and/or restriction preventing them from accessing and/or using the Applications and/or developing Developments and/or assigning Developments to BGA and/or performing Translations and/or assigning Translations to BGA and/or distributing Content and having performed, if applicable, all legal, regulatory and contractual formalities to do so, with a view to using the Services;
"Username": means a series of characters allowing the User, with a password determined by them, to connect uniquely to their Account and to access the Services;
"Withdrawal Form": means the form allowing the User to exercise their right to withdraw from their Premium Subscription. The Withdrawal Form is available as an appendix to these General Terms of Service and Use, at the bottom of this page.
3. Scope, acceptance and modification of the Player G.T.S.
3.1. Acceptance of the Player G.T.S.
These Player G.T.S. govern the rights, obligations and restrictions associated with the use of the Player Site and/or the Applications and/or the Services and/or the purchase of a Premium Subscription.
Access to the Player Site and/or the Applications and/or the use of all or part of the Services and Applications implies that the User accepts and undertakes to respect the Player G.T.S., the Privacy Policy, the G.T.U., any other disclaimer, and/or the other contractual conditions and the rules of the game, if any, applicable when using the Applications, without reservation.
3.2. Modifications of the Player G.T.S.
BGA reserves the right to periodically modify these Player G.T.S., for example to adapt them to legislative and regulatory changes, or to modify the features offered on the Player Site and/or the Services and/or the Applications.
BGA will inform Users, as far as possible, within a maximum of fifteen (15) days before the entry into force of the amended Player G.T.S. Consequently, the User is invited to regularly consult these Developer Player G.T.S. If the User does not accept the amended Player G.T.S., they must stop using the Services. Continuing to use the Services beyond the date of publication of the amended Player G.T.S. will presume the User's acceptance of the amended Player G.T.S.
As these Player G.T.S. may be subject to modifications, the applicable conditions are those in force and accessible on the date of the User's access to the Player Site.
3.3. Information and protection of minors
If the User is a minor and wishes to access the Player Site and make full use of all or part of the Services and/or Applications, they must read the Player G.T.S. and understand them with the help of their parents or legal guardians and obtain their consent to use said Services and/or Applications.
However, BGA recommends that parents or legal guardians monitor the activities of their children or children in their care when using the Services. BGA recommends that Users be vigilant that their children, or the children in their care, never disclose their Personal Data without the consent of the Users.
BGA reserves the right to restrict or prohibit access to the Services by children under the age of fifteen (15) if the prior consent of their parents or legal guardians has not been obtained.
Parents or legal guardians may close the minor's Account at any time by sending an email to BGA whose contact details are available by clicking here.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, use of the BGA Services must be carried out under parental supervision, and any use of the Services by a minor will be presumed to have been validated in advance by their parents or legal guardians.
Unless otherwise provided by law, BGA disclaims any liability for the use of the Services by minors without the consent of their parents or legal guardians.
4. Terms and conditions of subscription to the Services
4.1. Creation of an Account
In order to access and/or use certain features and/or benefits of the Services, it is necessary to create an Account. To create an Account, the User must go to the Player Site and enter their Identification Data.
The User also has the possibility of linking their Third Party Account within the meaning of the G.T.U. with their Account so that they can directly access the Player Site without having to enter any other Identification Data.
Any connection to the Player Site, any of the Applications and/or the Services using a Third Party Account as defined in the G.T.U. is deemed to have been made with the Account in question. The processing of Personal Data relating to the linking of a Third Party Account to an Account is explained in the Privacy Policy.
Other Identification Data may be entered in the "About" section on the Player Site which will be public and therefore accessible to other Users.
The opening of an Account requires the creation of a Username, if necessary an avatar (visual identity linked to the Account and created by the User), and a password.
The Username is a unique element, and no two Users can have the same Username.
The User agrees that the Username may be publicly displayed as part of the Services in accordance with the Privacy Policy, and therefore the User is advised not to include their surname, which may optionally be publicly displayed in their Account information.
For other Identification Data that may be made public, the User is invited to refer to the Privacy Policy.
The Identification Details are strictly personal. The User undertakes to keep them confidential and not to pass them on to third parties. The User is the only person authorised to access and use the Services using their Account and their Identification Details.
Any access to the Services with the Account is automatically deemed to have been made by the User associated with it and under their responsibility.
Therefore, in the event of loss, theft or any fraudulent act with regard to the Identification Details, it is up to the User to inform BGA as soon as possible and to prove their identity by any means.
Upon receipt of a duly justified notification, BGA will send an email to the User allowing them to update their Identification Details, it being the User's responsibility to keep them strictly confidential.
If BGA has legitimate reason to believe that the security of the Player Site and/or the Application(s) is violated and/or that a misuse of all or part of the Services is due to unauthorised use of the User's Account, BGA may temporarily suspend the User's access to their Account and/or Premium Subscription and therefore their access to the Services, in order to preserve the integrity of the Player Site and/or the Application(s) and the data and, if necessary, require the User to modify their Identification Details according to its instructions.
Likewise, if the User selects a Username as part of the Identification Details enabling them to access their Account that is inappropriate, contrary to good morals or infringing on the rights of a third party, BGA reserves the right to suspend access to the Account concerned and/or to suspend the Premium Subscription in question.
4.2. Veracity and use of Identification Data.
When creating an Account, the User undertakes to provide accurate and complete Identification Data and also undertakes to update this Identification Data in accordance with BGA's requests.
The User shall not allege or imply to be another person or entity by providing false information about a parent, legal guardian or any other person, including, without limitation, through the use of the Username, avatar or any other information such as an image.
BGA may take steps to verify the veracity of the information provided, if necessary, by telephone or by email entered to designate a parent or legal guardian. In order to prevent fraud, the User agrees to provide BGA with the necessary authorisations and evidence in accordance with the Privacy Policy upon request by email.
5. Use of the Applications
The Applications are made available to the User under a non-transferable, non-exclusive, non-commercial and personal licence, and exclusively for leisure and personal use.
The Applications remain the entire property of BGA and/or its Subsidiaries, in particular with regard to the intellectual property rights associated with them. Consequently, the licence granted does not constitute an assignment of the intellectual property rights of said Applications.
As such, the User shall not sell, copy, exchange, transfer, publish, rent, license, distribute, market or commercially exploit the Application, or decompile, disassemble the code, reduce it to a human readable form or attribute or distribute any element that the User may copy or derive from the Application.
The licence to use the Application shall remain in force for as long as the Application remains accessible on the Player Site. The User may not request a refund of any payment made because an Application is no longer accessible on the Player Site and/or its economic model changes (for example, an Application becomes a Premium Application and vice versa).
The User is informed that the Applications are only compatible with the Receiving Media within the meaning of the G.T.U. and all operating systems and that the performance of the Applications and the related Services may vary accordingly.
6. Rules of conduct
BGA hereby authorises the User to access and use the Player Site and/or the Applications and/or the Services, subject to compliance with the conditions set out in the G.T.U. and the User is informed that failure to comply with any of these conditions shall constitute a breach of these Player G.T.S.
7. Online discussion areas
The discussion areas, like the other Services, are moderated a posteriori, and do not allow Content to be checked before it is posted on the Applications.
When the User publishes Content in the discussion areas, their Username and/or avatar may appear. The User declares that they are aware of and accept that the disclosure and/or publication and/or dissemination of their messages is done under their own responsibility. The Content is disseminated on the discussion areas (and more generally using the Services) without any time limit and remains even if the User deletes their Account.
If the User deletes their Account, it becomes invisible on the Player Site and/or the Applications for other Users and is no longer accessible. The User's Content remains even after the deletion of their Account, it being understood that the Content will remain associated with their Username and/or avatar.
8. Translations
Each User may carry out Translations under the terms and conditions detailed in the Developer G.T.S. which expressly provide that all intellectual property rights associated with such Translations will automatically vest in BGA.
Users therefore guarantee that they have read the Developer G.T.S. before engaging in any Translation (within the meaning of the Developer G.T.S.) which they accept in full and undertake to comply with without restriction or reservation.
9. Premium Subscription
To access the paid Services, the User is invited to purchase a Premium Subscription offered on the Player Site.
With the Premium Subscription, the User can benefit from the following paid services:
◦ Play Premium Applications;
◦ No waiting before playing an Application;
◦ Play from the same terminal, with several players (only one Premium Subscription is required);
◦ Audio or video conferencing to play the Applications with other Premium Subscription Users;
◦ Access to Application usage statistics;
◦ Play an Application with your favourite colour where possible;
◦ Create tournaments;
◦ Other paid services described on the Player Site where applicable.
The Premium Subscription allows access to "Premium Applications". The full list of "Premium Applications" is available on the "Premium" page of the Player Site.
Each "Premium" Application needs at least one (1) User with a Premium Subscription to start. In other words, Premium Users can create new Premium tables, and play with any other User, with or without a Premium Subscription.
The Services provided with the Premium Subscription provide access to "Premium Extensions". "Premium Extensions" are options (i.e. variants) of an Application that are accessible without a Premium Subscription.
An Application with a "Premium Extension" needs at least one (1) User with a Premium Subscription to start. In other words, Premium Users can create new tables with a "Premium Extension" option selected, and play with any other User, with or without a Premium Subscription.
9.1. Purchase of Premium Subscriptions
To purchase a Premium Subscription, the User is invited to fill in a Subscription form in which they will be asked to select the chosen plan (i.e. a monthly or annual Premium Subscription) and to provide the information mentioned on their payment card in order to proceed with the payment. Any Premium Subscription is concluded for its firm duration.
The sums paid for the Premium Subscription are definitively acquired by BGA, including in the event of early termination of the Premium Subscription, which will take effect, in any event, at the end of the period corresponding to the Premium Subscription purchased.
The only mode of communication between BGA and the User being the exchange of emails, the User declares and guarantees in this regard that the information transmitted by them to BGA is sincere and valid and that the email address provided at the time of registration is perfectly valid and in working order.
It is the User's responsibility to inform BGA of any change in their email address.
The purchase of a Premium Subscription can only be made for personal purposes, which the User declares and acknowledges.
The User's failure to comply with all or part of the obligations subscribed to under the terms of these Player G.T.S., and in particular concerning any payment incident relating to the Subscription price, may entitle BGA to deny the User any further purchase of a Subscription until the situation is remedied.
Before purchasing a Premium Subscription, the User is invited to select the duration of the Premium Subscription of their choice, and then to confirm their Subscription by proceeding with its payment.
Prior to payment of the Premium Subscription, the User is invited to accept the terms of these Player G.T.S. It is accepted that the applicable Player G.T.S. are those in force on the day of confirmation of their Premium Subscription.
Once the User has paid for their Premium Subscription and finalised it on the Player Site, a written confirmation will be sent to them by email, summarising the Premium Subscription plan purchased, its price and the terms of use of the services subscribed to.
The User undertakes to keep the elements contained in the Subscription confirmation email, including its attachments.
9.2. Price of Subscriptions
The prices of Premium Subscriptions is indicated on the Player Site in Euros or in the User's local currency including all taxes (VAT and other applicable taxes).
The User acknowledges and accepts that the amount of their Premium Membership does not include the cost of telecommunications allowing access to the paid Services offered on the Player Site and included in their Premium Subscription, nor any other possible costs of connection to the Internet, which remain in all cases the responsibility of the User, in full.
BGA reserves the right to change its prices at any time.
In the event of a change in the price of Premium Subscription plans, this change will be effective from the time of renewal of the User's Subscription, who will receive an email informing them of this change fifteen (15) days before the date of renewal of his Premium Subscription.
If BGA changes the prices of the Premium Membership plans, these changes will be effective as soon as they are posted on the Player Site.
For some payment methods, the issuer of the User's payment method may charge the User certain fees, such as exchange fees or other fees related to the operation of the User's payment method.
The full payment of the Premium Subscription price is made by credit card with its payment service provider using a secure payment process provided by the latter and which does not, in any case, allow BGA to know the User's bank details. Where applicable, full payment of the Premium Subscription price may be made by any other payment method as indicated on the Player Site.
The full payment of the tacitly renewed Premium Subscription price is made via the payment service provider, meaning that the debit date may be changed, for example if the payment method could not be debited temporarily or depending on the applicable working days.
9.3. Duration of Premium Subscriptions
The User is informed that under the terms of Articles L.215-1, L.215-3 and L.241-3 of the Consumer Code relating to the tacit (automatic) renewal of contracts:
"(L.215-1) For service agreements concluded for a fixed term with a tacit renewal clause, the professional service provider must inform the consumer in writing, by personal letter or dedicated email, at the earliest three months and no later than one month before the end of the period authorising the rejection of the renewal, of the possibility not to renew the contract he has concluded with a tacit renewal clause. This information, delivered in clear and comprehensible terms, mentions, in a clearly visible box, the deadline for non-renewal.
Where this information has not been sent to him in accordance with the first subparagraph, the consumer may terminate the contract free of charge at any time from the date of renewal.
Advances made after the last renewal date or, in the case of open-ended contracts, after the date of conversion of the initial fixed-term contract, shall in this case be repaid within 30 days of the date of termination, after deduction of the sums corresponding, until this date, to the performance of the contract.
The provisions of this Article shall be without prejudice to those which make certain contracts legally subject to special rules concerning consumer information. "
"(L.215-3) The provisions of this chapter shall also apply to contracts concluded between professionals and non-professionals. "
"(L.241-3) Where the trader has not reimbursed under the conditions provided for in Article L. 215- 1, the sums due shall bear interest at the legal rate.
9.4. Tacit and automatic renewal
Whatever the duration of the Premium Subscription and provided that it is technically possible and that it is not a Premium Subscription offered by another User, the User is fully informed that upon its expiry, it will be automatically renewed for a duration identical to that initially subscribed by the User, unless the User cancels it no later than twenty-four (24) hours before the expiry of the current Premium Subscription.
Thus, if the User does not wish to renew or terminate their Subscription, they must log into their Account on the Player Site, go to the "My Preferences" section, then "My Account", and click on "Cancel my subscription" within the time limit referred to above.
In the absence of such notification, the Premium Subscription will be renewed and invoiced on the same basis and at the same intervals as the initial Subscription.
In accordance with Articles L.215-1, L.215-3 and L.241-3 of the Consumer Code reproduced above, BGA will send the User an email informing them of their possibility not to renew the annual Premium Subscription and the terms and conditions of their non-renewal of said Premium Subscription.
10. Right of withdrawal
The User acknowledges that they have received all the information relating to the Services offered on the Player Site and more specifically to the various Premium Subscription plans offered on the Player Site, before subscribing to them and that the offer of these services complies with the requirements for services provided remotely, in particular via the Internet.
In accordance with the provisions of Article L.221-28° 13 of the Consumer Code, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for contracts:
"13° For the supply of digital content not provided on a physical medium whose execution has begun with the express prior agreement of the consumer and the express waiver of his right of withdrawal. "
In accordance with the third paragraph of Article L.221-9 of the Consumer Code:
"The contract shall mention, where appropriate, the consumer's express agreement to the provision of digital content independent of any physical medium before the expiry of the withdrawal period and, in this case, the waiver by the consumer of the right of withdrawal. "
In accordance with the second paragraph of Article L.221-13 of the Consumer Code:
"Where applicable, the trader shall provide the consumer, under the same conditions and before the expiry of the withdrawal period, with confirmation of his express agreement to the provision of digital content not presented on a physical medium and his waiver of the right of withdrawal. "
However, if the User decides to withdraw from their Premium Subscription without giving any reason, within a period of fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of confirmation of their Premium Subscription by BGA, the User must inform BGA of their intention, at the latest within the aforementioned period of fourteen (14) days, either by completing and sending to BGA the Withdrawal Form attached to these Player G.T.S. and by following the instructions contained therein; or, by expressing their intention to withdraw in a clear and unequivocal manner including the essential information to do so by email or by post to BGA whose full contact details are available by clicking here.
As soon as possible after BGA has received the Withdrawal Form or the notification of the User's wish to exercise their right of withdrawal, BGA will send acknowledgement of receipt to the User by email. The costs associated with sending the Withdrawal Form shall be borne by the User.
11. Intellectual property
11.1. Use of Services
The Services are designed, published and managed by or on behalf of BGA. The User acknowledges and accepts that access to the Applications, Content and Services made available by BGA does not imply any transfer of intellectual property rights to the User.
Access to the Services is exclusively limited to the private and personal use of the User under the conditions and within the limits defined in these Player G.T.S.
11.2. Content
As an Account holder, the User may submit Content using the Services.
The User retains all intellectual property rights to their Content, but is required to grant limited rights to BGA and other Users under the conditions set out in Article 12.3 below.
The User acknowledges and accepts that they are solely responsible for their own Content and the consequences of its dissemination, including any indirect dissemination via hypertext links. BGA does not guarantee any Content, recommendation or opinion expressed therein, and BGA expressly disclaims all liability relating to such Content.
The User represents and warrants that they have (and will continue to have during the use of the Services) all the rights, licences, consents and authorisations necessary to allow BGA to use their Content for the purpose of offering the Player Site, the Applications, the Services and more generally under the conditions contemplated by these Player G.T.S.
The User acknowledges that, by simply using the Services, they may be exposed to Content that is inaccurate, offensive, indecent or otherwise negative. In its capacity as host, BGA shall in no way be held responsible for the distribution of this type of Content.
BGA reserves the right to contact the User in order to obtain more information about the Content posted and to verify that the User is the author and, if applicable, that the User holds the rights.
In any event, BGA is not bound by, committed to, or responsible for the opinions, advice and/or recommendations posted and/or sent by Users using the Services and specifically in the discussion areas and declines all responsibility in this regard.
11.3. The rights granted by the User on their Content
When the User submits Content to the Player Site and/or the Applications and in any event through the Services, the User grants:
a) to BGA, the non-exclusive, transferable (including the right to sub-license), free of charge, worldwide right to use, reproduce, distribute, make derivative works of, represent and display the Content as part of the Services or in connection with the provision of the Services, the Player Site and the Applications and the activity of BGA, including, without limitation, for the promotion and redistribution of all or part of the Services, the Player Site and the Applications (and any resulting derivative works), in any format, on any medium and through any media channels;
b) to each User of the Services, the non-exclusive, free of charge, worldwide right to access their Content via the Services and to use, reproduce, distribute, make derivative works of, represent and display the Content to the extent permitted by the functionalities of the Services and by these Player G.T.S.
12. Termination of the Account
12.1. Termination at the initiative of BGA
In the event of non-compliance with these Player G.T.S. and/or the BGA Moderation Policy, BGA reserves the right to temporarily suspend or permanently delete the User's Account and/or the User's Premium Subscription under the conditions of the BGA Moderation Policy, without this suspension and/or permanent deletion giving rise to any compensation or refund.
12.2. Termination at the initiative of the User
The User may terminate their Account at any time, by right and without prior formality, from the "Preference/My Account" tab of their Account, by clicking on "delete my BGA account".
Article 12 of these Player G.T.S. shall in any case survive the termination of the Account by the User or by BGA, which means that the termination of the Account by the User or by BGA shall not call into question the ownership of the Intellectual Property Rights on the Content as provided for in these Player G.T.S.
13. User's liability
The User agrees that their use of the Player Site and/or the Applications and/or the Services is at their own risk and that it is their responsibility to maintain such health, liability, risk, personal injury, medical, life, and other insurance policies as they may reasonably deem necessary in the event of any damage they may suffer while using the Application. The User remains solely responsible for the use of the Player Site, the Applications and the Services made available to them and for compliance with these Player G.T.S.
14. Miscellaneous
14.1. Notifications
The User accepts that BGA may send them notifications, including those amending these Player G.T.S., by email, by post or by posting on the Player Site, the Applications and, where applicable, on their Account.
14.2. Correspondence— Evidence
Unless otherwise provided for in these Player G.T.S., correspondence between the User and BGA is mainly by email. Pursuant to Articles 1366 et seq. of the Civil Code, the User acknowledges and accepts that the information provided by BGA by email and on the Player Site is authentic between the User and BGA. Elements such as the time of reception or transmission, as well as the quality of the data received, will be deemed authentic by priority as shown on the Player Site, or as authenticated by BGA's computerised procedures (in particular via the logs collected), unless the User provides written proof to the contrary. The scope of proof of the information provided by the Player Site and/or the Applications and the computerised procedures of BGA (in particular via the collected logs) is that granted to an original in the sense of a written paper document, signed by hand.
14.3. Non-waiver.
The User acknowledges that if BGA does not exercise or assert any right or remedy provided for in these Player G.T.S. (or from which BGA may benefit under any applicable law), this does not constitute a formal waiver by BGA of its rights, and these rights and remedies shall remain valid and enforceable for BGA.
14.4. Severability
If any of the terms of these Player G.T.S. are found to be invalid by any decision of a competent court, they shall be deleted without affecting the other terms of the Player G.T.S. The remaining terms shall remain valid and enforceable.
14.5. Titles
In the event of difficulties of interpretation between one of the titles appearing at the top of the clauses of these Player G.T.S. and one of the clauses, the titles will be declared non-existent.
14.6. Beneficiary of the Player G.T.S.
The User acknowledges and accepts that the BGA Subsidiaries are considered beneficiaries of the Player G.T.S. and that these other companies be allowed to directly enforce and rely on the terms of these Player G.T.S. Except as specified herein, no other person or company shall be considered a third party beneficiary of these Player G.T.S.
15. Applicable Law— Dispute settlement
This document has been drawn up in French and English, however, only the French version will prevail in the event of difficulty of interpretation.
These Player G.T.S. will be executed and interpreted in accordance with French law.
In the event of a dispute arising in connection with these Player G.T.S., their interpretation and their consequences or with the deeds supplementing or modifying them, the User shall approach BGA for the purpose of attempting to find an amicable solution.
All complaints to BGA must be made in writing.
Failing amicable settlement, the User may choose:
1) To resort to an amicable mediation solution within a maximum period of one (1) year from the date of their written complaint to BGA:
(i) or by referring the matter to a consumer mediator with a view to amicably resolving the dispute. To this end, the dispute shall be submitted to mediation in accordance with the mediation rules of the CMAP - Paris Mediation and Arbitration Centre - at the Paris Ile-de-France Chamber of Commerce and,
(ii) or by using the online dispute resolution system accessible at the following address:, it being specified that the proposed mediation process cannot be a prerequisite for a referral to the competent courts by the User.
2) To bring their claim before the competent French courts.
Withdrawal form
To the attention of ............................................... [to be completed with BGA's company name, geographical address and, where available, fax number and email address]:
I hereby notify you of my withdrawal from my Premium Subscription purchased on _____________________
Consumer's name:
Consumer's address:
Consumer's signature (only in case of notification of this form on paper):
General Terms of Services
The purpose of the BGA Sites is to allow the greatest number of people to discover new Games and to play them through the Applications. To this end, BGA offers Users who so wish to participate in the development of the Applications and/or BGA Sites, and in particular the Services on the Developer Site provide the User with an ecosystem enabling them to develop Code.
This activity is neither compulsory nor remunerated and its sole purpose is to allow Users who wish to do so to engage in computer developments, in particular the digitisation of Games, and to provide them with a medium enabling them to publish their Creations and Codes.
If the User does not wish to have their Intellectual Property Rights on their Creations and/or Codes vested in and/or licensed to BGA, they must not communicate their Creations and/or Codes in any way, either through the BGA Sites or by any other means.
However, in order to enable BGA to respect the Licences subscribed to with the publishers of the Games and therefore to operate the BGA Sites, the grant or assignment of the Intellectual Property Rights associated with the Users' Codes and Creations must be regulated. This is the purpose of Article 6, which provides for a licence to be granted on the Users' Codes, and Article 7, which provides for the assignment of the intellectual property rights on Creations to BGA.
The user acknowledges and accepts that the production of users' Creations and Codes as well as the vesting and/or assignment and/or granting of Intellectual Property Rights relating thereto are carried out free of charge. The User waives, in full knowledge of the facts, the benefit of Articles L.131-6 of the Intellectual Property Code.
You can develop board games to make them available online on BGA as a volunteer software developer :)
1. Purpose of these Developer G.T.S.
The purpose of these Developer G.T.S. is to define the conditions of use of the Developer Site and the Services accessible free of charge subject to the prior creation of an Account. The Services accessible free of charge subject to the prior creation of an Account on the Player Site, the Services accessible subject to the purchase of a Premium Subscription, their terms and conditions, are detailed in the Player G.T.S. available by clicking here. The Services accessible free of charge without the need to create an Account, their terms and conditions, are detailed in the G.T.U. available by clicking here of which these Developer G.T.S. are an integral part.
2. Acceptance and modification of the Developer G.T.S.
2.1. Acceptance of the Developer G.T.S.
These Developer G.T.S. govern the rights, obligations and restrictions associated with the use of the Developer Site and/or the Applications and/or the Services.
Access to the Developer Site and/or the Applications and/or the use of all or part of the Services, the Applications and/or the communication by the User to BGA of Creations and/or Codes implies that the User accepts and undertakes to respect the Developer G.T.S., the Privacy Policy, the G.T.U., any other disclaimer, and/or other applicable contractual terms and conditions without reservation.
BGA hereby authorises the User to access and use the Developer Site and/or the Applications and/or the Services, subject to compliance with the conditions set out in the G.T.U. and the User is informed that failure to comply with any of these conditions shall constitute a breach of these Developer G.T.S.
You should use this service only if you agree with the terms.
2.2. Modifications of the Developer G.T.S.
BGA reserves the right to periodically modify these Developer G.T.S. and the Privacy Policy, for example to adapt them to legislative and regulatory changes, or to modify the features offered on the Developer Site and/or the Services and/or the Applications.
BGA will inform the Users, as far as possible, within a maximum of fifteen (15) days before the entry into force of the amended Developer G.T.S. Consequently, the User is invited to regularly consult these Developer G.T.S. If the User does not accept the amended Developer G.T.S., they must stop using the Services. Continuing to use the Services beyond the date of publication of the amended Developer G.T.S. will presume the User's acceptance of the amended Developer G.T.S.
3. Definitions
For the purposes of these Developer G.T.S., including their Preamble, the capitalised terms defined in the G.T.U. and the Player G.T.S. will apply and other capitalized terms, whether singular or plural, will have the following meaning:
"Anomaly": means a design, production or performance defect (such as: bug, error, etc.) and more generally any defect or problem resulting in operating difficulties that prevent or limit, in whole or in part, the operation and/or use and/or administration of all or part of an Application and/or the BGA Sites;
"Application(s)": means the games accessible from the Developer Site and/or the Player Site, and/or the games accessible only from the Developer Site because they are under development or have not been approved by BGA, composed in whole or in part of User Codes, published by BGA and/or its Subsidiaries as well as any accessory software which may be necessary, such as an Application update, an Application upgrade, its code (in whole or in part), the files it contains, the associated or generated images and the associated data but also the applications not accessible from the BGA Sites, because they are under development or have not been approved by BGA, composed in whole or in part of User Codes;
"BGA": means the company AD2G STUDIO, a simplified joint-stock company with a share capital of €100.00, whose registered office is located at 18 rue Jacqueline Auriol, 78280 Guyancourt, registered with the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 803 287 150, represented by Mr. Alexandre Schlecht acting and having the necessary powers as Chairman;
"BGA Approver": means a User with an Account on the Player Site and meeting the criteria defined in the Player Site;
"BGA Documentation": means the documentation concerning the BGA Sites and/or Applications and accessible here:;
"BGA Site(s)": means the Developer Site and/or the Player Site;
"Code(s)": refers to all computer and software developments, including by adaptation of a pre-existing computer development, both in their executable and source versions, whether completed or not, as well as, where applicable, any update(s) made by the User in the context of the development of an Application including its improvement;
"Creation(s)": refers to all the works that will be designed and/or produced in whole or in part by the User constituting a derivative work or an adaptation of the Games, and/or concerning the Applications and/or BGA Sites on which BGA and/or a third party hold Intellectual Property Rights, on any medium whatsoever, whatever the conditions of design and/or production, i.e. in particular alone or with the assistance of third parties, including other Users or with the assistance of BGA. These works include any literary (including translations), graphic, textual, computer graphics, photographic, video, digital, software, script, computer development, algorithmic development, etc., and, where applicable, all associated documentation, more particularly Translations, etc. and more generally any intellectual work in any format, whether or not it is protected by intellectual property rights, including in particular their layout, presentation, choice and arrangement of materials, choice of techniques, colours, texts, etc., but with the exception of Users' Codes;
"Developer G.T.S.": means these general terms of service relating to the Services accessible from the Developer Site;
"Developer Site": means the website accessible in particular from the URL address ;
"Game": means a board game for which BGA holds a Licence;
"G.T.U.": means the general terms of use accessible by clicking here and relating to Services accessible without an Account from the BGA Sites;
"Intellectual Property Rights": means all rights (including moral rights) available under any patent, copyright, trademark, service mark, trade name, product configuration, design, software rights, domain names, database rights or trade secret rights or any other statutory or doctrinal provision of codified or common law relating to a Game and its titles, elements, themes, design, logo, characters, character names, stories, dialogue, animation, sounds, audio-visual effects, musical compositions, designs, formulas, algorithms, procedures, methods, techniques, ideas, know-how, programs, sub-programs, tools, inventions, Codes, Creations related thereto, improvements thereto, in any form whatsoever, whether or not specifically referred to in these Developer G.T.S., which may exist in any part of the world, recognised by the law of the European Union or of a member state of the European Union, in particular France, the law of the United States or other foreign jurisdictions and/or by other international laws and whether or not such rights are registered and including all applications, renewals or extensions of such rights for their full term;
"Licence": means the licence of Intellectual Property Rights granted to BGA by the publisher of a Game to adapt the Game or have it adapted in the form of an Application and to publish, distribute and promote this Application, worldwide and from the BGA Sites;
"Player G.T.S.": means the general terms of service accessible by clicking here and relating to the Services accessible from the Player Site;
"Player Site": means the website accessible in particular from the URL address ;
"Services": means the free features and services made available to Internet Users and accessible, using a Receiving Medium, from the BGA Sites without an Account as well as the free or paid features and services, as determined in the Developer G.T.S. and these Player G.T.S. and accessible from the BGA Sites with an Account, to Users;
"Sequel" or "Prequel" or "Spin-off": means multimedia works in any language, in any form, including one or more identical characters, themes and/or situations of an Application and in accordance with the meaning usually and currently attributed to the words Sequel, Prequel or Spin-off according to use in the video game industry;
"Specifications": means the instructions issued by BGA, by any means, the purpose of which is to define and describe the scope, nature and extent of the Codes and/or Creations for the purpose of creating an Application in order to comply with the Licence and which the User undertakes to respect. The BGA Documentation is an integral part of the Specifications;
"Translation": means the literary and/or textual elements of an Application and/or the BGA Sites that are translated into a different language by the User and for which the Intellectual Property Rights are assigned to BGA in accordance with these Developer G.T.S.;
"User": means any natural person at least fifteen (15) years old who is capable or has parental authorisation to do so, including the legal representative (manager, employee, etc.) of a legal entity acting on its behalf, who opens an Account, using a Receiving Medium, on the Developer Site and/or on the Player Site and who is not subject to any legal, regulatory or contractual prohibition and/or restriction preventing them from accessing and/or using the Applications and/or from producing and/or communicating to BGA, including for commercial purposes, Creations and/or Codes and/or from distributing Content and having performed, if applicable, all legal, regulatory and contractual formalities to do so, with a view to using the Services;
In the event of a contradiction between the definitions of the G.T.U. and/or the Player G.T.S. and/or Developer G.T.S., the definitions of these Developer G.T.S. will prevail.
4. Terms and conditions of access to the Services
The use of the Services available on the Developer Site requires the creation of an Account carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the Player G.T.S., with the following exceptions:
- In order to create an Account on the Developer Site, the User must first have an Account on the Player Site.
- The Identification Data required on the Developer Site may be different from that required on the Player Site.
5. Editorial policy of the BGA Sites
Each User may create Creations and/or Codes in order to develop all or part of an Application and/or a BGA Site, and allow other Users or BGA to participate.
In order to contribute to an Application, the User must necessarily and compulsorily select a Game for which BGA benefits from a Licence or obtain BGA's prior and express agreement, without which BGA cannot be held liable and the User must guarantee and hold BGA harmless against any claims and/or actions by third parties in this respect.
In order to allow BGA to respect the Licence granted to it by a publisher, the User undertakes to:
• Deliver their Creations and Codes to BGA exclusively from the Developer Site in a format that is interoperable and compatible with the Player Site, in particular by complying with the Specifications;
• Deliver all of their Creations and Codes and in particular the source code of the Codes, the associated documentation as well as any document necessary for the publication and exploitation, if applicable commercial, of the Application.
The User undertakes, in the context of the production of the Creations and/or Codes, to comply with all legal, statutory and regulatory provisions relating to the Creations, Codes, the Game and the Application, where applicable in accordance with the Specifications.
The User undertakes not to include in their Creations and/or Codes, without BGA's prior and express consent, excessive scenes of violence, racist opinions, or any element likely to prevent the commercial distribution of the Application.
The User undertakes not to introduce into the Application and/or their Creations or Codes any element (sound, graphic, script, visual or other) which, by its nature, would affect the image and/or reputation of the Game and the Application and/or BGA and/or the Game publisher.
BGA must have a license for the game (if it's not in the public domain), and your adaptation must be faithful to the game.
The User is informed that BGA is solely responsible for the editorial policy of the BGA Sites and, as such, decides at its own discretion whether or not to publish and/or withdraw the Creations and/or Codes and/or Applications created by and/or in which the Users participate and, if applicable, already published. These arbitrary choices are explained by BGA's overall editorial policy for the BGA Sites and consequently cannot prejudice Users in any way. Indeed, BGA does not guarantee under any circumstances the publication on the BGA Sites of the Creations and/or Codes created, developed and/or communicated by the User, without the User being able to claim any compensation or damage in this respect.
BGA will credit on the BGA Sites the User who has participated in an Application on the description page of the Application, with reference to their BGA Username, supplemented with their real name if the User explicitly requests this, unless the User explicitly requests anonymity.
6. User Codes
6.1. Types of User Codes
This article details the types of Codes that can be produced by any User of the Developer Site, without this being an exhaustive list.
6.1.1. Contribution to an Application and/or a BGA Site
Each User may develop Codes to create a new Application and/or participate in an ongoing Application project.
Once the Application project is finalised, its validation takes place in three phases:
• Alpha version: The User who initiated the Application project will present it for acceptance on the Player Site exclusively for technical and/or functional testing by a BGA Approver. The BGA Approver will test the Application project, notify any defects identified in the Application project and assess the quality of the Application project. After initial testing by the BGA Approver, the Alpha version of the Application project will be analysed and reviewed by BGA and/or the Licensor. BGA and/or the Licensor will review the Application project and in particular its compliance with the Specifications. Most major defects will necessarily have to be addressed and corrected by any User in order to launch the second acceptance phase.
• Beta version: Once accepted by BGA and/or the Licensor, the Alpha version is published on the Player Site for testing and acceptance by all Users of the Player Site to verify the quality of the Application project, its compliance with the Game and the Specifications and that no defects remain. Once this phase has been completed and all remaining notified defects have been fully corrected by a User, BGA will publish the Application resulting from the validated Application project at its discretion, without any deadline obligation for BGA.
The User undertakes not to include - in the Codes - programs under open source license without the prior consent of BGA in order to allow BGA to ensure that the licence conditions of said open source codes do not have any contaminating effect that could alter their operation and use by BGA.
6.1.2. Corrections of Anomalies on the BGA Sites and/or on the Applications
Each User may develop Codes to correct an Anomaly, identified on the Developer Site (but which may concern the BGA Sites and/or an Application). To do so, the User will develop a Code useful for the correction of an Anomaly directly from the Developer Site and submit it to BGA for approval and/or proceed directly with its publication if they have received the appropriate accreditations from BGA.
The Codes, once approved by BGA, are posted online. Otherwise, BGA will explain to the User the reasons why it has refused to post the Codes online and the User may then correct their previous Codes or submit new ones or do nothing.
6.2. Intellectual Property Rights on Codes
The User is and remains the owner of all Intellectual Property Rights on the Codes provided to BGA, provided that they cannot be qualified as a collective work within the meaning of the applicable law.
The User will therefore be able to freely exploit their Codes, subject to the rights of third parties, and in particular the elements made available by BGA or by other Users, or the elements resulting from the Licence of the Game for which the Code has been developed. The User expressly acknowledges and accepts that all information, documents, graphic, technical and computer elements, tools, visuals, brands, logos or other elements belonging to BGA or to the Licensor and made available to the User for the purposes of creating the Codes (hereinafter the "Pre-existing Elements") are and remain the exclusive property of BGA or of the Licensor and may not be used by the User for any purpose other than strict exploitation on the BGA Sites. Any other use of the Pre-existing Elements outside the BGA Sites is strictly prohibited.
In this context, the User acknowledges and agrees to grant BGA a licence on the Intellectual Property Rights of a proprietary nature attached to the Codes, (in particular with regard to the tools, devices and programming engines integrated into the Codes as well as their source codes, whether compiled or not) free of charge, non-exclusive for the territory of the whole world and for the entire duration of the protection currently granted to the Codes, or which will be granted in the future to the authors of intellectual works within the meaning of the Intellectual Property Code by French laws and regulations as well as by international conventions.
Intellectual Property Rights of a proprietary nature granted to BGA on the User's Code(s) include:
- the right to use and exploit it commercially, including for Premium Applications, to distribute it and to license (or sub-license) it;
- the right to represent and reproduce it, in as many copies as BGA deems necessary, on any medium, format or network, known and unknown on the date the Code is made available by the User, directly or indirectly, in particular by unit sales, subscription, downloading or rental via the Internet by streaming or game on demand, compilation, or by licences freely granted by BGA and the third parties of its choice;
- the right to modify it, in whole or in part, by addition, deletion, correction, etc.;
- the right to adapt it in whole or in part;
- the right to develop, add or delete it, in whole or in part, in the context of a port to all consoles and all operating systems known or unknown on the date of execution of this agreement.
- the right to incorporate it, in whole or in part, into any pre-existing or future work;
- the right to rewrite it in any other computer language;
- the right to translate it into another language;
- the right to use it on other media or to adapt it to operating systems other than those used or known at the time of subscription to the Developer G.T.S.;
- the right to exploit it in any form, in particular in the form of merchandising for one or more Sequel(s) and/or Prequel(s) and/or Spin-offs;
- the right to file and/or register it with any competent office, including from the time of its conception, in its name and on its behalf,
The User acknowledges and accepts that BGA is entitled to have all or part of the above rights granted to it exercised by a third party of its choice, including, where applicable, another User.
In this sense, Users may publish their Code with the exception of Pre-existing Elements on any separate medium under any licence of their choice, provided that the following notice is included in a comment on the Code: “This code was developed on the BGA studio platform for use on”.
You can open your code under any license compatible with its use on BGA, as long as you include the above mentioned sentence as comment in your code.
Game assets stay the property of the game rights owner and should not be made available outside of BGA.
7. Creations
7.1. Types of Creation
This article details the types of Creations that can be made by any User, without this being an exhaustive list.
7.1.1. Contribution to the BGA Documentation
Each User may, at their own discretion, update the BGA Documentation, without said contribution being subject to any a priori approval, verification or moderation by BGA.
7.1.2. Translations
Translations can be made directly from the Player Site. Each User may thus translate all or part of the BGA Sites and/or Applications.
The User undertakes to carry out a Translation only if the target language is their mother tongue or one that they are fluent in. When translating an Application, the User must be truly familiar with the Application and, if possible, have a box and a booklet of the physical game rules from which the Application originates in the target language in order to verify their consistency. Users making Translations must take into account the language level and formal/informal pronominal rules customary for the game's audience in their country.
The source/reference language for the Translation is English, as the development of the BGA Sites and Applications is carried out in English, which means that modifying a text in English leads to modifications in all languages. The User who carries out the Translation undertakes to respect the final punctuation (or absence thereof), the choice of words in capital letters and the use of numbers instead of words.
Translations can be modified until they are "validated". Validation takes place after thirty (30) days without modification. It is then considered stable and valid (golden icon) and can only be modified by Users with significant experience on the Player Site.
7.1.3. Contribution to an Application and/or a BGA Site
Each User may, at their discretion, propose on the Developer Site works derived from the Games, the BGA Sites and/or any other element on which a third party holds Intellectual Property Rights.
These Creations (artworks, logos, graphic creations in digital format, etc.) are distinct from the Users' Codes for which the Users retain ownership of their Intellectual Property Rights and grant a licence to BGA in accordance with the provisions of Article 6.
7.2. Intellectual Property Rights on Creations
7.2.1. Vesting of Intellectual Property Rights on Creations in favour of BGA
In accordance with the provisions of Article L.113-2 of the Intellectual Property Code, the Applications and, where necessary, the Creations must be considered as collective works, which each User expressly acknowledges and accepts.
Indeed, the User acknowledges that these Creations have been created at the initiative of BGA (which has in particular taken the necessary and useful steps to obtain a Licence) which will edit, publish and disclose the Creations via the Applications and the BGA Sites, under its direction and name.
The Creations of each User are thus merged into the Applications and BGA Sites for which they were designed, without it being possible to ultimately attribute to each of the Users who are the authors of these Creations a distinct right over the entirety produced, i.e. the Applications and/or the BGA Sites.
In this respect, the User acknowledges that the Creations and/or the Applications and the BGA Sites are collective works, the property of BGA, which is the sole owner of the intellectual property rights.
7.2.2. Assignment of Intellectual Property Rights on Creations in favour of BGA
If one or more elements making up the Creations should be considered as not resulting from a collective work, in order to avoid any future dispute over the scope of BGA's rights, and in order to ensure BGA's legal certainty in the use decided upon, the User expressly acknowledges that the Intellectual Property Rights attached to the Creations are assigned immediately and free of charge to the exclusive benefit of BGA for the entire world and for the entire duration of the protection currently granted to the Creations, or which will be granted in the future to the authors of intellectual works within the meaning of the Intellectual Property Code by French laws and regulations as well as by international conventions.
Consequently, BGA is the sole owner of all Intellectual Property Rights relating to said Creations and to all physical media provided or developed by the User for these Creations, including, but not limited to, any written, graphic, photographic, audio, audiovisual, process, program, sub-program, software, part of software, source code, object code and any other programming code created and/or developed, in any form and on any medium known or unknown to date.
The assignment and transfer of Intellectual Property Rights will take effect as and when the User produces the Creations, meaning that BGA will acquire ownership of the Intellectual Property Rights on the Creations, whether or not they are validated and/or distributed and/or exploited by BGA and whether or not the BGA Sites and/or Applications for which the Creations are intended are validated and/or distributed and/or exploited by BGA.
In order to comply with the provisions of Article L.122-7 of the Intellectual Property Code, which requires that the nature and extent of the possible uses be mentioned, it is expressly stipulated that the User acknowledges and accepts that the free assignment of Intellectual Property Rights of a proprietary nature on the Creations means:
- the right to use and exploit them commercially, including for Premium Applications, to distribute and license (or sub-license) them in any form whatsoever, even if this is not foreseen or foreseeable at the date of subscription to the Developer G.T.S.;
- the right to reproduce them, by any means and on any medium, known and unknown at the date of subscription to the Developer G.T.S. and in as many copies as BGA deems necessary, on any medium, format or network, known and unknown at the date of execution of this Contract, directly or indirectly, in particular by unit sales, subscription, download or rental via the Internet by streaming or game on demand, compilation, or by licences freely granted by BGA and third parties of its choice;
- the right to represent them by any means, known and unknown at the date of subscription to the Developer G.T.S., including radio, cable, satellite, Internet, Intranet, Extranet, etc.;
- the right to modify them, in whole or in part, by addition, deletion, correction, etc.;
- the right to adapt them in whole or in part;
- the right to adapt, modify, evolve, add or delete them, in whole or in part, in the context of a port to all consoles and all operating systems known or unknown on the date of execution of this agreement.
- the right to incorporate them, in whole or in part, into any pre-existing or future work;
- the right to make them evolve, to develop them;
- the right to rewrite them in any other computer language;
- the right to translate them into another language;
- the right to use them on other media or to adapt them to operating systems other than those used or known at the time of subscription to the Developer G.T.S.;
- the right to assign the Developer G.T.S. to any third party of their choice;
- the right to exploit it in any form, in particular in the form of merchandising for one or more Sequel(s) and/or Prequel(s) and/or Spin-offs;
- And, in general, all the author's property rights over his creation.
The User acknowledges and accepts that BGA is entitled to have all or part of the aforementioned operations carried out by a third party of its choice, including, where applicable, another User.
The User declares and guarantees that they will not exploit or register any Intellectual Property Rights relating to the Creations, either in their own name or in the name of any other natural or legal person whatsoever.
You give BGA the rights to use your board game adaptations. Otherwise, nothing can happen :)
8. Confidentiality
The User undertakes to keep confidential the elements provided by BGA and/or by the publisher of a Game, to enable it to carry out and develop the Creations and Codes. In the event that the User publishes their Code on any separate medium under any licence of their choice under the conditions of Article 6.2, they shall refrain from adding to it the elements provided by BGA and/or by the publisher of a Game, to enable them to create and develop the Creations and Codes in order to preserve their confidentiality.
9. BGA's Intellectual Property Rights
The User acknowledges that the subscription to these Developer G.T.S. does not entail any transfer to them of any Intellectual Property Rights.
BGA, as the case may be, is and remains the owner of all Intellectual Property Rights and exploitation rights on pre-existing elements belonging to it (notably on the Services) provided to the User in the framework of the Developer G.T.S.
The Services are designed, published and managed by or on behalf of BGA.
Access to the Services is exclusively limited to the private and personal use of the User under the conditions and within the limits defined in the G.T.U. and these Developer G.T.S.
10. Guarantees and liability of the User
Due to the gratuitous nature of the assignment, grant and/or vesting of the Intellectual Property Rights on Creations and Codes under the Developer G.T.S., the Creations and Codes are provided "as is" to BGA, without any guarantees as to the suitability of the Creations and Codes for the use for which they are intended, their commercial value, their secure, innovative or relevant nature.
Notwithstanding full compliance with these Developer G.T.S., the User thus offers, without limitation, no guarantee, express or tacit, concerning: (i) the ability of the Creations and Codes to fulfil the objectives that BGA has set itself, or to perform in the combinations of use chosen by BGA (ii) the absence of errors or the uninterrupted performance of the Creations and Codes (iii) the possible or potential correction of any errors in the Creations and Codes (iv) the compatibility of the Creations and Codes, or of the data structures generated by the use of the Creations and Codes, with a subsequent edition or version of the Applications, if any, or with the BGA Sites.
However, the User declares and guarantees to BGA that they have all the necessary rights to the Creations and Codes for the assignment or grant of the related Intellectual Property Rights as provided for in Articles 6 and 7 above.
Consequently, the User guarantees BGA the peaceful enjoyment of the Intellectual Property Rights assigned or granted under the Developer G.T.S. and shall hold BGA harmless against any claim(s), action(s), recourse or lawsuit(s) brought against it by a third party.
In the event of an out-of-court or legal claim by a third party against BGA, based on the fact that a Creation or Code is unlawful and/or infringes upon the rights, in particular the Intellectual Property Rights, of third parties, the User undertakes to defend BGA, at their own expense, against any such action and to indemnify BGA for any damage of any nature whatsoever that BGA may suffer as a result of such a challenge and, in any event, undertakes to pay any damages that BGA may be ordered to pay and to bear all reasonable costs resulting from any judicial or extrajudicial action taken by a third party.
You don't have any obligation related to the board game adaptations you create, as long as you don't include improperly licensed elements.
11. Termination of the Account
The User may terminate their Account under the terms and conditions of the Player G.T.S.
Articles 6, 7, 8 and 9 of these Developer G.T.S. shall in any case survive the termination of the Account by the User or by BGA, which means that the termination of the Account by the User or by BGA shall not call into question the ownership of the Intellectual Property Rights on the Creations and/or Codes as provided for in these Developer G.T.S.
12. Applicable law